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  1. Ok, you explain your passage, which I don't quite understand, with this very passage. Not very helpful, don't you think?
  2. Am I misunderstanding something? As, dos, tres doesn't sound like a long ship to me.
  3. I agree with that. A narrow, steep ladder far forward would be conceivable. In a very confined space with a narrow staircase, boarding parties would have difficulty storming the fort. One after the other they could be repelled from above. Thus, the narrowness would be strategically advantageous.
  4. Off topic: lupus est homo homini, non homo, quom qualis sit non novit
  5. Just as well, the "painter" could have been standing on tiptoe (his towering right shoulder, his whole posture looked like that to me) and the guy on the ladder could have climbed up something. It all remains speculative.
  6. It took a long time to find a suitable home for her. But this afternoon she was finally able to move in.
  7. Dear Ab Hoving, As you know, taking perfection to the extreme, despite all admiration for the craftsmanship, often leads to rigidity and lifelessness. Filling an object with life is artistic virtuosity! I would never want to call that a lack. I am excited to see how the plastic Speel-jaagt behaves under sail. Best wishes Alvb
  8. Dear Ab Hoving, I admire your models, they are extremely lively precisely because they are not aimed at extreme precision or accuracy. my respect, Alvb
  9. Oh, I meant results from the latest archaeological findings. Until then, I'll enjoy your construction at its own pace.
  10. OK, when can I expect the first results for the foreship?🤔
  11. Thanks Amateur, I arranged the sail sheet like this on the foresail, and on the mainsail I placed it on the side of the ship. That's how I interpreted the illustrations. The same applies to a dirk only on the mainsail. The dirk cannot be seen above because it runs on the port side and is therefore hidden by the sail. Alvb
  12. The project is nearing its end. It still remains to be decided how it should be presented. Perhaps standing on two thin pins in a small, discreet display case... Greetings Alvb
  13. We are making progress in small steps. The main mast and its sail are up. One thing is giving me a bit of a headache now. The sail sheets are led over "Leuwagen" or sheet brackets (what is the English term?). But where are they attached? Looking at contemporary depictions, the jib sheet could be attached to the lower block, but the main sheet could be attached somewhere further in front of its "Leuwagen". What do you think about it? Alvb
  14. I wouldn't know which version I should prefer.
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