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  1. Still moving along. Had to take the summer off but now that it's turning colder, I'm back in my "office" and back to working on the model. Starboard is done for the time being. Port is planked above the wales. I need to sand that area, plank a row below it, then add and paint the second layer and black strake as I did on the port. I also need to do a little cleanup around the gunport openings where I see the cuts varied a little. Overall very happy with the progress!
  2. I’m still here just taking my good nature time getting the fairing right. Port framing is done (less the stern) and I have a good portion of the stern done. A little more fairing to do and I’ll start with framing the stern.
  3. Thanks! Going super slow. Still framing and fairing. Rechecking and fairing more started on the stern frames but really taking time to check things from every possible angle and lighting!
  4. Hi frank! sorry I saw this a day late. I removed the batten yesterday after marking the top. I would say it lines up with most. About one out of every 3-4 would be up to a mm high or low, in which case the new mark is what makes it smooth. Then I did the other side and did my best to make sure it matched. This photo is ugly because I haven’t faired the framing yet (makes some look crooked), but the top, of the bottom row, is where the top of the batten was.
  5. Going great. Back to the point of starting the port framing. It was at that point last time I noticed the issues, I’m not seeing those this time, so the added precision has made all the difference.
  6. Very happy with the restart decision. Much better tools for the level of precision needed, some of which I built just for this project (such as a table saw from a hand held 4” circular saw).
  7. Updated build board, all squared and measured out (aligned with new former) so this round I have fixed points of reference.
  8. I’ve been really happy with the progress this far and have already learned a ton. I’ve decided to do a partial restart now that I have the equipment to make things better from the start. My former has a slight curve in it along the horizontal axis. much harder to deal with than the vertical axis which the framing would likely take care of. Even with that it has a slight twist, subtle, but now I know I can do better. The knee and keel are good and I should be able to reuse that, so this will only be a week or so delay, I just want it cleaner from the start. Certainly would have come out ahead $ wise just getting the laser cut parts! There always the part of me that wants to do as much as I technically can though, so I’m good with that
  9. Bottom row of port framing is almost done. Had to remove the plywood supports as a couple we apparently slightly to big/small and was knocking it ever so slightly out of square. I spent a lot more time with these ensuring they were evenly spaced and squared. After putting in the last couple I’ll do the final touches on fairing.
  10. Thank you Chuck! I'll scan ahead and find that!
  11. I plan on using the monofilament method for the "nails" on the ship. Can anyone advise on the size they used for this specific ship? I see some forum posts here and there (I think Glenn, you used "20 weight for the capstan partners and 15 for the fore and main partners," do you recall what you used/are using on the deck planks and hull planks? I was thinking of using 12# for the deck and 20# for the hull. I'm probably splitting less than hairs here (literally), but am just curious what others used. TIA!
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