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  1. Thx for the replies. Yes I have some from the original kit but was hoping to get some made in brass. Just for show.
  2. Like the title says, looking for brass or other metal propellers for my 1/350 IJN Yamato build. Looks like there were some out there at one point but it seems like they are no longer made. Any suggestions or direction would be much appreciated! Admins - not sur if this was the right place to post...
  3. Hi all, I am just wrapping up a build of a Graf Spee and it still feels a little sterile after weathering. I don’t want to go over the top with weathering and I don’t like adding crew either so I thought adding deck accessories would help make it feel more used. I was thinking of things like wood crates, drums/barrels of oil, and things like that. Do you all have any other suggestions and possibly and recommendations on where to source? Thx
  4. Hi all - sorry for the newbie question, I couldn’t quite find an exact answer. i just finished a 1/350 plastic kit (Trumpeter Graf Spee) it’s pretty much fully painted with either Tamiya acrylic or Vallejo acrylic. I want to start the weathering process. I plan to use AK series washes/stains/grim which are not water based. so I think the order is: 1) coat entire ship with water based gloss 2) cure for several days 3) apply decals 4) weather the ship with oil based stains 5) coat entire ship in lacquer based matte finish Am I thinking about it right? I’m not sure about the decals and when to do those. appreciate any comments!
  5. What’s your weathering technique? I’m new to wood ship building (not plastic).
  6. That weathering looks phenomenal!
  7. Yes it did thank you. Luckily I have pretty much all of those from my first couple builds. I will embrace your advice on the luxury items, I agree with that philosophy.
  8. Thank you for the advice. Is your caution due to just sheer lack of skill or patience? I’ve done relatively well with the Graf Spee I am doing now in regard to detail. But I’ve never done wood so I’m sure lots of technique to learn. Any other ships or kits you recommend for a beginner? I don’t really want to do a no name small dinghy or sloop.
  9. Hi all - I’m happy to say I’m just about wrapping up my 1/350 Graf Spee. It was a very enjoyable experience getting into this hobby and a tremendous stress release. Original my plan was to start small and to work up. In order I wanted to do Trumpeter Graf Spee, Tamiya 1/350 Yamato, 1/200 Bismarck. While I still want to do all of those, a few wooden shops have caught my eye. Particularly Occre’s Endurance kit. I’m wondering how many new tools do I need to buy to switch to the Endurance? It was already a little pricey to get my work station fully up to snuff to do this first kit. Just want to be eyes wide open. Thanks in advance and please feel free to share your process for selecting your next build! Or any other advice.
  10. Thanks Richard!
  11. It’s a trumpeter 1/350 admiral Graf Spee pocket battleship.
  12. Hello MSW, I had a couple questions on wood deck stickers/veneers. Should I prime the deck before gluing it down? Do you recommend painting the cleats and other items above the deck before the wood is down? What is recommended for glue? I’ve heard multiple from white to wood to gorilla glue. Do I remove the paper Medium the deck is on the bottom? Lastly, the kit I ordered came with both a wood veneer and then a yellow piece of paper with a deck design on it as well. Is this the photo resistant paper or something else? I plan to do the deck in an AK dark wood deck wash with a clear coat. I welcome suggestions as well! I’ve seen a few YouTube videos on it. I want to keep it simple but effective. I’m not a skill level to paint individual deck boards yet. Thanks in advance! Steve
  13. Thanks Slog - I looked at your log and will watch the video.
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