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  1. Good afternoon, I have been reading with great interest Rich's outstanding log of his build of the US Brig Argus. I am contemplating building her so am looking at all who have preceded me to be sure I have the skills and patience to undertake such a project. The Argus is of great interest to me in that she was captained by an ancestor of my family when captured off England by the HMS Pelican. The oldest ship to serve during WWII DD 66, was named the USS Allan after Master Commandant William Henry Allan, the Argus's skipper. She was also at Pearl Harbor on 7 Dec 1941---I am fortunate to be the current custodian of her wheel from the bridge as well as several other articles from the ship. I have made a model of the Allan as she was at Pearl. It would be fitting if I can successfully make the build of the Syren with the changes that make her into the Argus. Thank you Rich and all the others that have posted information and suggestions on the "how" to build such a model---all your efforts will help mr decide whether to mve forward.
  2. Good Morning, The page by page description of Art's build is absolutely fascinating. What is missing is a description on how Art cut the hull in order to make the model a waterline depiction such as her anchored at Cherbourg. That is how I would also like to portray her since that is how my great, great aunt would have seen her as she boarded at Cherbourg. Thank so for any help. Howard Potter
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