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Everything posted by HAIIAPHNK

  1. The next lion was a very famous Swede with Dutch roots. Of course, I am referring to Vasa's ship and his lion. It is simply impossible to set out to make a collection of Mufas and Simbs and bypass this lion. I've been thinking for a long time about what exactly my.... it's not very interesting to write the word "lion" in every sentence. I'll name this lion.... Gustav. I think it's an appropriate name for a Swedish royal lion. Now, where was I? I've given it a lot of thought. Uh-huh, I remember. I thought long and hard about what Gustav's final appearance should look like and thought, why don't I try to replicate exactly the kind of lion we're all used to. The one in the Stockholm museum. Let it look more like a lion that has been underwater for a long time. Why not? It's decided, let this lion be a drowned man. 🙄I think it's an interesting experience to try to replicate the museum original. Now we can begin. However, I'm going to start the story of the next lion from the side. An unexpected side. Maybe it will be interesting and useful for someone. I will purposely end this post halfway through, and I will post the photo in the next one. There are some people who are too impressionable. Then it's better not to look below. I warned you!
  2. I suddenly have a question. Am I in the right section for this topic. Maybe it should have been placed in another place of the forum, for example, where they describe the construction of ships? There will definitely be not just one element, but the whole stern. What should I have done?
  3. Okay. I'll write it down: There's a leader in the race! The lion now has two whole votes. And Schwarzenegger is down one. It's getting harder and harder for this character to win. 😄
  4. That's a good question. Unfortunately, I can't give an exact answer as to what scale this lion is. Of course, I can take a ruler and measure it and find out, no problem. But the scale will most likely turn out to be not standard, not with that step, which is usually adhered to in modeling. It could very well be 1: 14,7 or 1: 27,75. It's just that in this project I didn't try to stick to any clear figures. As I have already written, it will be a whole set of different lions. And from the very beginning I realized that they will be from different ships. One lion in real size was 2 meters, the other almost 6 meters. And if they are all in the same rigid scale, there will be too much difference. So I made the decision that they were like sculptures on a hand, they should be about the same size so that you could see the details of each one equally well. And you don't need to take a magnifying glass to do that. And just looking at the final dimensions of the figures so they would be about the same. And therefore the scales will not be beautiful.
  5. Thank you. I love him a lot too. The previous ones have gone to new owners. And I really wanted to keep him. Now I do. And he's going to live with a whole pride of other lions.
  6. Thanks for the first version. The score is open, 1 vote for the lion. If someone else also has an opinion that someone else has already voiced, you can and should still post it. And in time we'll see which versions will be more popular. P.S. I perfectly understand that for many people my nickname is seen as if I fell face down on the keyboard and managed to sleep a little in that position. But actually there is a sense in these strange set of letters. Those who are familiar with the Russian language will easily read everything. And for the rest of you, I will explain, this nickname means Partner, someone who helps you in your work. In Russian it is spelled like this: "Напарник". So in order not to torture yourself with typing, you can write: Partner. It'll be easier. Or by the name Alexander. Thank you for participating in this survey.
  7. And right off the bat, I'm going to ask the first question. It's creative. It's true! And then in the voice of some TV quiz show host: We see the stern. What do you think would crown the bow of the ship? What or whom would you put there? Unfortunately, I can't give more information for thinking, everything that can be used in any way has already been said and shown. Further, Mr. Masters, you have a conditional minute, after which you must give an answer. Actually, I have my own version. I can substantiate it and prove it. But the question is still important. We happen to have a difference of opinion. So I'd like to hear some other people's versions. And for the sake of keeping them unbiased, I'll give you my opinion later. And at the same time I will check myself, compare my thoughts with others. There don't seem to be any conditions, you can just say what you would put there yourself, but it's better if it's accompanied by a short "because". And here's another thing: the stage of working with the main figure is still very far away and you can express versions even when the narrative runs away. So if you happen to read this when the conversation has already moved on to other topics, feel free to offer your ideas at any point. This social poll is very important to me. The more people who offer their side of the story, the better.
  8. A few words about the ship itself. Very little is known about it. Not really. Almost nothing is known about it. Attempts to google the name FULMINANT led to a bunch of medical articles with terrible photos. Only after I put "Ship" in front of the name could I look at what I found without sedative drops, but even then it was impossible to call it a successful search. Google led to several photos of a battleship of the 19th century. There is nothing sailing at all. This is the only image: A few words about the ship itself. Very little is known about it. Not really. Almost nothing is known about it. Attempts to google the name FULMINANT led to a bunch of medical articles with terrible photos. Only after I put "Ship" in front of the name could I look at what I found without sedative drops, but even then it was impossible to call it a successful search. Google led to several photos of a battleship of the 19th century. There is nothing sailing at all. This is the only image: One single sketch. The customer found it. I couldn't even search the picture to find anything. So in the descriptive part of the ship and its history, I can only quote what I heard from the customer. Kind of like the FULMI was a twin to the widely known L'AMBITIEUX. И... и... and that's it, that's the whole story. The model itself is L'AMBITIEUX. It was built from this monograph, from the same drawings. If I understand correctly, it was kind of like the L'AMBITIEUX up to a certain point, in the sense that it was the one being built. But suddenly this very same sketch was found and there was a fateful reversal. AMBI was aborted in utero and FULMI was put in his place. Tough analogy... Yes, I know, I'm a scary person. Nothing sacred! I know. I'm scary. It's one thing to build a beautiful but worn-out AMBI, how many of them are there in the world? And it's quite another thing to be the first to build something that no one has ever built before! It's a completely different sound. There we go. And now it's my job to make the decor so that no one will ever guess who's under the makeup. And since there is no more precise data, it means that this work is as creative as possible. Think for yourself, think for yourself, cards in hand, wind beneath your wings, power beneath your tail... Oh, no, that's not quite the same meaning. But in essence it's true, because the flight of fancy is not only good, but also bad. In the sense that it is necessary not only to think up how these curls will look like, but also to be not ashamed of the design. And there is no way to do it without it. And although the customer separately, in capital letters, with underlines, flashing garlands and other things said that he would not be picky about correctness and accuracy, it is still important to me that there were no serious lapses. Actually, this was one of the reasons for the appearance of this topic on the forum. I already have a pile of questions that I would like to discuss before it appears in the material. Such things.
  9. Unexpectedly, I agreed to participate in a project. I never thought I would take on something like this. And I didn't agree for a long time. But there are people who are very good at advertising and persuasion. And I don't mean some Sony, Coca-Cola other brand. They've never dreamed of something like this. I wouldn't believe it myself if someone told me that this project took me seven years to complete. And so I gave in and agreed. And that's what this project is. This is the model. It's big, though! And interesting. The size alone is worth it. I will never be able to afford to build one for myself (if I decide to build a full model at all). So the opportunity to feel and work on such a king-size was one of the reasons why I decided to take it. I will mention the rest as the story develops. Let me say at once: I have nothing to do with the model itself. It was built by other people. As far as I know, they are not one, and not two. But I won't mention the masters. For several reasons. Firstly, I do not know if the masters themselves wish to be mentioned? I didn't see any mention of this model on the forums, maybe it was for a reason (though maybe I just missed it and didn't notice it). Secondly, I'm not that much of a stickler for inquiries, I could be wrong. Write something wrong or not mention someone at all. Therefore, I will omit the paths the model took before me. If suddenly the participants of the project want, they will write themselves. As you can see from the photos, a lot of work has been done. In addition to the hull itself, there is a battalion of individual items. But at the same time and before the completion of still work and work. My participation in this project is strictly related to carving. In particular while in plans aft decor. And then it will be seen.
  10. Thank you very much for the warm welcome. It is a pleasure to be back again. 🙂
  11. There won't be much in the way of pictures. I photographed the first couple carefully. It was interesting for me, and the customer needed to be shown how the process was going. And now it doesn't matter so much. It turned out like with children: the firstborn appears and with him a sea of photos and video, with the second already less. That's how it is with me. By the third is already a very small amount. There is nothing new for myself, everything has been worked out for a long time, so the photos for memory are not particularly important, and I did not know then whether I would show on the forums at all. That's why I didn't take pictures. The only thing I photographed was the very beginning. Just because I suddenly thought, how to dissolve a solid log? It is dangerous to stick such a round log into the circular saw, the slightest misalignment and the log will spit right in your face, for the glory of the laws of physics, and in the name of safety. It is possible, of course, somehow by hand: with a saw or an axe. But it was too long and inconvenient, you can't clamp it in a vise or in your hands. The problem was defeated in half an hour. I don't think I invented any particularly clever device. But just in case, I decided to take a picture, so that it will remain as a memory for the future. In case I need it again. Here's the device: I do not remember exactly how exactly made a groove under the kniavdiged, but most likely just a hacksaw and chisel. True, this stage completely melted in my memory, and therefore there is a chance that I fell asleep, and when I woke up the magic elves had already managed to saw through everything and hollow out. The chance of that being the case is slim, I agree. But let's face facts - it's too early to reject this version, we still know very little about this topic. What if the stories aren't stories at all. Well, as I warned, the intermediate types of carvings are quite scarce. It may even seem that the frames duplicate each other. But in fact, the inquisitive eye will see how the Lion's appearance gradually changes.
  12. The first in the series is the British Lion. You could say that this character has become like a family member to me over the last few years. A few years ago, I had one made to order. A couple of them. The first one was taken away halfway through, not finished. By the will of circumstances it turned out to bring this figure to the customer, just to show how the work is going, how the lion looks like. There is little chance that there will be changes or something else. And to my great surprise, I liked the lion in the very rough form, when the features are just beginning to be drawn. And the figure never went back to the workshop. And I was ordered another one, so that the second one would be in the final execution. Which was done in the end. So now I was already carving the third brother. That's the story. And it really felt like meeting an old acquaintance again. Maybe.... No, it's not. One hundred percent, it was that same couple that set the tone for this project. It was decided to make in the same enlarged size, and not in the standard, small, in which more often worked in the "shooting" on the landing on the model. So that it would be possible to work out small details to the maximum. And that later it would be possible to consider without a magnifying glass in hands, since the main thread, so it will be "tastier".
  13. After a long break, I'm slowly getting back to modeling. At least in some form. I came up with the idea to occupy myself with one small project. And it will be connected with lions (who would have thought). Namely, to make a series of lions. Of course, marine, in stripes, everything as it should be. Pluses a lot (bending fingers). First, the work is not so long, not to compare full-fledged with the model of the ship, should not drag on for many years. Secondly, in my present circumstances, I am left with a minimum of technical base. Machines and tools have to be built up again from the very first level. And the fact that I have precious sets of cutters I take no less as a tremendous luck. The rest will slowly appear. And for this project table, chisels and a couple of simple tools are more than enough. So there are already two pluses. And thirdly, I am interested in it. Total: I see no reason for the noble don not to start an interesting pastime for himself. I'm going to carve some figures. They'll all be lions. But different ones. British lion, Dutch, Russian, French and so on. That's the end of this introductory post. Slowly I will post what has already been done. Ask questions and advice too. So I invite you to participate in the discussion. I hope to have an interesting topic in the end.
  14. Good afternoon. My name is Alexander. Once I started this topic and posted my works. But a lot of time has passed since then. I have had a lot of changes in my life. For a long time was not able to engage in my favorite hobby, as before because of health. During this time me and my family moved to another place. I have been living in Germany for seven years now. Recently, I have gradually returned to an active life and started carving again. New works started to appear and I wanted to show what I do again. Unfortunately, I have lost access to my former account on this forum and also had to get a new mailbox. So I have to start from scratch. Well, that's all, what I wanted to tell, at the same time this message will be a test for me to see if I have set up a new account correctly and if after a break I will be able to send messages correctly. I will try to continue posting my new works in the near future. I will also start a new thread where I will try to tell you about the new project. There I will have something to show, as well as need help with advice from other participants. Well, give up the moorings, keep to the wind, out of the harbor.
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