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Posts posted by Nate_A

  1. Thank you @JeffT much appreciated. 


    @Jaager You are probably right.. But,  well, I'm just not that smart. 🙂


    My dad is pushing 95 so I'd like to complete the Swift sooner rather than later.  Having surveyed the kit I don't think its beyond my capabilities.... yep, famous last words.


    Time will tell. And worst case ill have to buy again and start over. I have already redrawn all the parts so I can re cut them on the laser if need be.



  2. Sooo, I'm finally rolling back around to model ship building.  


    I first started model ship building back in the late 1960's with my dad.  He started me with a sailboat that had a U shaped clip that controlled the rudder.  Using a rubber band it would sail out, then when the clip disengaged the rudder it would sail back.... or at least that was the plan.


    Much like that long ago sail boat I have spent the last 50 plus years tacking back and forth and now find myself returning to model ship building.  But, now I have the time (I hope).  The finances, and the desire to be able to complete the models I have been stockpiling since that early experience.


    Not surprisingly I have two projects I wish to begin.  One will be a gift to my dad, who is happily still telling me what I should be doing.  For him, I have a 30 YO Expo Models1805 Swift kit that has been sitting waiting for him to start for 30+ years.


    My second project is what landed me here... sigh, no, looooong deeep sigh.  I have children,  I apologize, they too will probably end up here in the 2080's... 😉 


    My eldest thought I would enjoy living my youth by building "another" Lindberg "Blue Devil Destroyer".  That is what actually lead me here. Yep, I'm trying to rebuild a Lindberg 1:125 Fletcher class as a properly scaled and built DD-662 USS Bennion.  And yes, I'm considering buying a LSF 3D printer in order to make that a reality.  (It was a nice ax, but it really came into it's own when I replaced the axe head.  But it wasn't a proper axe till I also replaced the handle....).


    All of that said, no, I am not new to modeling. I was a plastic modeler thru my early youth.  That lead to RC airplanes, which lead to a 22 year career in the Army.  While I was in I started and ran Blackstone Valley Railway.  I manufactured museum scale model railroad bridges and structures in N thru full scale.  After selling that off I started Blackstone Valley Precision.  BVP started as a gunsmith business, that quickly changed when I built a rifle for Adam Kodra. (https://www.news8000.com/news/the-long-shot/article_27a7fbc2-1350-5098-b4fb-2062e5254b92.html) .


    Now, I'm taking a 5 year break till I retire again from federal service.  During that break I want to restart my model building. So, I have 5 years to build the 1805 Swift, 1:125 Fletcher Class Destroyer, 1/5th Scale Supermarine Spitfire Mk IX (RC), 1/4 Scale J-3 Piper Cub (RC) and if time permits a 1/5 Scale DE Haviland Mosquito (RC).


    Probably should mention, in my "free time" I moderate the website www.YXZTalk.com (WWart user name), something I ended up doing since my wife, here after known as SWMBO has a SxS that she treats like a horse that needs to be broke, and I treat like her own personal NASCAR ride.  Yep, 0-60 in under 4 seconds but still able to run over 1000 miles without a breakdown. 



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