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Ron Gagner

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Everything posted by Ron Gagner

  1. My kit is arriving Wed. The info you gave me will be very helpfull. This will be my 4th project. I made all kinds of mistakes, to much CA, not following the importanace of alignment... My building skills were in giant scale aircraft that I flew in scale events had to build strong to hold together a 20 lb. aircraft. The pic is of a 1851 schonner used copper tape made strips 4 or 5 inches made a jig for the rivets. Not to bad for a hack...
  2. Can anyone tell me where to buy silk span material for sails
  3. I used it first try a copper works well made jigs to put nail holes and scribe plates Ron
  4. Boat1.jpg.8d88fd92fe837887ed0f959ca0425dba.jpgMy 2nd venture ,not so many re-do's... Every day is a is a learing exp.  Needed to re-think my style of building . This is not having to add a 2 lb engine and weigh 15 lbs and fly, just look correct and stay together on my shelf

  5. will be buying a elec sander is a beld sander enough or would a combo belt and disc be more usefull' Ron
  6. Thanks mate have a good friend lived in Lesmurdie meet him 83 in Newport RI when you lads took the cup down under. My next build will be a cup boat a J boat Thanks for the response Happy New Year Ron
  7. I;m not new to modeling but shipbuilding YES build and flew giant scale aircraft. I started with the sail boat Harvey. Made many mistakes got a biginners book and saw how many I made..Have the 2nd model fix a few made a few. needed getting the proper tools is a big plus to doing things correct....My first question is: building an aircraft I used CA and some epoxy had to be strong using CA on decking and planking makes it hard to finish! Making lines and halyards using CA knots get like rocks, should I be using white glue thined out, and using this glue on planking and decking I have many more questions but using the trial an error system, not the best but it's working...Ron G
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