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  1. I agree with you it is a magnificient build. I don't think that I will ever be able to build something as nice. But I can try. I am going to document myself much more. This forum and website is going to be very useful. As a start I am going to visit the HMS Surprise in San Diego next week.
  2. If some of you are wondering why I have taken the decision to pause and explore other build methods, here is the reason : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjFyaucj5Xk
  3. Hello everyone, It may look like I am not working on this project. But it is quite the opposite. I have recently purchased Lego parts in order to start building the ship's hull. But I was not happy with the result. I am going to pause the build and design for a little while. I need to do more research and I need to learn the right building techniques. I will keep you posted when I can take over this project.
  4. I have worked on the guns for my ship. I have come down to 3 designs that could work. I wanted to get more accurate colors, using images I could find online from the HMS victory. But not all Lego parts are available in all colors. Here is the result : I personnaly prefer the one on the right on the first image (left on the last 2 images).
  5. Hello everyone, Winter is coming in Belgium. It gives me more time to spend on my HMS Surprise. I have bought the parts I will need to build the hull and I should be able to start in a couple of days. In the meantime, I have kept on working on the guns. They looked fine, but I realised there was a construction flaw. So I am spending time with real parts to find a design that would suit the ship's scale. Expect more photos soon. Vincent
  6. Hello everyone 👋🏼, Work and family have taken most of my time lately so I haven't been able to work much on my replica and post about it. But in the meantime i have built Legos. That has enabled me to get the grasp of some parts I have never used before. I have change the stairs. They take less space, use less parts and look better. But the biggest change is the stern. I have looked at other creator's ships and tried to replicate what they have done. Let me know what you think. Pictures are below 👇🏼
  7. A quick update : I have been working on the gundeck floor, guns and the bow. I am still not 100% sure about the staircases size. But it is moving in the right direction. I siometimes find myself limited by the parts availability in certain colors or by the price. Some parts are available in a lot of colors but the price can be 10x higher. Lego's guns are very nice but too big and since the Surprise was equipped with caronnades I looked for a self made option that is shorter. Here is the result so far :
  8. What do you think of this hull concept ? I love it but I am not sure it can work.
  9. Design/construction update. Last week I decided to sort all my Lego pieces in cases with adjustable compartments. That being done, I decided to build a small portion of hull in order to see how much space is needed for the guns. Bear in mind, that this is just a research build. Colors, parts, are not final. But now I know the space needed for the guns, more importantly their height.
  10. Hello, Thank you for your message. I am glad to hear that your son loves it. My son loves it too. It is a serious challenge. It is only recently that i started building Legos again, I still have all the parts and instructions of the sets I played with as a child. But building a ship is something else. And in these last 25 years so many new parts have been created that I have never seen nor manipulated. As per the instructions. One thing at a time . But why not ?
  11. I am nearly done with the berth deck. Next I must start looking at the gundeck floor and keep building the hull.
  12. I have looked at various models online and even found some plans for a very nice one. I am using these to help me for the bow and stern and the junction with the Hull. Compared to most models that I have seen I am trying to get a ship with a better hull width and lenght balance. I am also trying to design a more or less faithful berth deck where most models start with the gundeck.
  13. I would love to see your models made on CAD. Bring them on please 🙂
  14. Thank you so much for your reply. I have already changed it. I am working on the officer's quarters and storage area. Next will be berth deck access and ceiling.
  15. A quick update. After some trial and error i think that I am now more or less confident with the direction I am taking. I am starting with the berth deck. I have been working on the sick bay and the dispensary. Would the beds have been facing the other direction ?
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