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David Chapman

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Everything posted by David Chapman

  1. Noted. I finally measured the space I want to put this and it's literally one inch to long... Will have to figure out what to do.
  2. Totally understand. With health issues piling up (4th shoulder replacement next Wednesday) I've become somewhat obsessed with traveling while I still can. Always been water people so we've signed up for 2 more Viking cruises by next February. Something to look forward to, for sure.
  3. Kevin, Thanks so much. I kinda needed that. It's seriously challenging enough to try and do the stock, plastic version justice. Especially as a rookie. But I do appreciate all the amazing ideas and logs there are on this site. Pics to follow.
  4. I agree. Just last weekend, I gave my 13 year old grandson his first model. Hopefully he enjoys it. 😀
  5. You got that right, and it's fun! But OMG, there are way too many terms to remember for this old geezer. Doing my Best! David
  6. Yes, Keith I have started reading your log as well as Bruma's as well as Longridges book, The Cuddy Sark. Wow, a ton to digest.
  7. All. Still have the chain question from above. Also, I'm about to start with the rigging. Confused which threads correspond to which letter from the instructions. If A, B, C, and D are as shown in the photo then why do I have such a big D spool when almost none of the directions show to use it. Would really appreciate some help here as I'd hate to get off on the wrong foot.
  8. Should I glue the entire length of the rigging "rope" to keep it in place and stiff or do I just glue the attachment points? David
  9. Chain(s). So I used 4 parts of the long, skinny chain for on the deck and coming out the sides of the bow. Had a fair amount left so I looked ahead studying the instructions. On step 92, pg. 31 lower right hand image it clearly shows multiple lengths of small chain going to the bow sprit with the anchor chain much larger. I have only the finer chain and not the larger chain for the anchor. What gives!?
  10. Clare, I'm too far beyond drilling holes. It's the first model I have built in 60? years so going to go straight stock on the first one back.
  11. Figured it out. Cutting the chain under the forward deck and inside the hull.
  12. Stuck... I'm starting to put parts on the deck. Before gluing the forward raised deck in place it indicates to feed the anchor chain under that forward raised deck and then out the hole on the side of the bow. But there is no opening to allow for that. What am I missing? David
  13. Another question. As amazingly precise as the model parts generally are... what's up with the circles with raised edges on most all of the pieces? I'm already (happily) spending considerable time clipping, triming, and filing including the circles. But they seem nearly impossible to eliminate. I guess I should live with that? David
  14. Thanks for the welcome and the great advice. Really appreciate it. This is my work space and where I'm at today. Long ways to go!
  15. Question, In the instructions it shows gluing the ship to the stand early in the build. I worry that might restrict flexibility in painting. Can/should I wait until closer to installing masts etc? David
  16. Kevin, Both your suggestions worked! Putting a subtle back bevel on the edges of the decks with a file really helped. Dry fitting the decks now look highly satisfactory. Also anticipating that these scraps of plastic for support will do the trick. Thanks again, David
  17. Kevin, Thank you so much. I'll give that bevel sanding a try but still pretty sure it won't hide the seems. Thankfully the cabins will cover most of it. Sanding off the positive plank lines and replacing with negative scribe lines I don't quite understand. Sounds very challenging. David
  18. I suspect this may not be the place for my question so I apologize. Just getting started on the Revel Cuddy Sark 1/96. I did not plan on overlaying a wood deck. My question is how do I hide the seams of the plastic deck. Also it appears to suggest the 3 deck pieces are butt jointed, painted and glued before installation. Having pre fit the 3 decks, I don't understand how that's possible without breaking the seal. Should I glue some pieces of plastic across the underside of the 2 joints to stabilize the deck or...? David
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