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J Snyder

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About J Snyder

  • Birthday 10/03/1956

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  • Location
    Reno, NV
  • Interests
    Boat Building, Car Building, Machining

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  1. I finely got around to making a case for the Pram. The sides and top are 3/32" Lexan and the base is some Mulberry wood I had under one of my benches. It was checked so bad I had to cut it up and laminate to get the width I needed. It doesn't match the stand but It will have to work. First time working with Lexan definitely different way of working then I'm use to. Hope to do better next time.
  2. FYI I just picked up a good selection of basswood at a fair discount at Joann Fabrics as they are going out of business.
  3. My dad had a steel 40 footer built by a friend that we used for salmon and albacore fishing up and down the coast. One of those not so pacific days near Point Arena I began to worry that the windows would not hold as we had green water covering them much of the time. Every point and cape was always a tough slog going north.
  4. My Craig, I am enjoying looking through your great work. I love the pacific coast trawlers since my fishing days out of Fort Bragg, and you have built a lovely one.
  5. I will be following your build also. The work you did on the fishing gear for the Dory is fantastic.
  6. Please take this advice with the proper amount of skepticism as I have not built a double planked hull. I think it would be a good idea to practice lining out on the first layer. The concern I would have is that the seams on the second layer will be very close to the seams on the first and could cause problems. Perhaps start the first layer with a garboard plank at a slight angle making it twice as wide at the stern then the bow then do the lining out from there. On the 25ft. sloop I helped build the garboard was at least twice the width of the rest of the planks and we did the lining off from there. That helped get the rest of the planks to a reasonable shape. If that would be too confusing at least make sure you prebend the second layer planks to fit without any pressure before fastening. Again I want to repeat that I have not built a double plank model before!
  7. Thanks again to all for the kind comments. One thing that would help with the directions would be to change some of the photos from the prototype (of the model not the full size) to using photos from the kit supplies.
  8. Thank You all. This forum is a great resource for not only information but for encouragement to continue and I will continue. I have already started disassembling the belt sander for the conversion to a thickness sander.
  9. Pram is FINISHED! I got the outhaul lashings, halyard, and the mail sheet installed. For anyone that may use this I had scaled up the sail to 115% that was a mistake 105% to 110% would have been better. I should have ironed the sail cloth before painting on the thinned glue mixture as to of the creases didn't come out. I learned a lot, not on the construction or rigging of the boat but on working at a small scale, even though this was only 1:12. I have never used tweezers so much in my life. I kept trying to grab things with my fingers only to be frustrated and have to grab the tweezers. I'm not sure if I should post the picture here or some where else. It will be awhile before the next build as I need to work on the car I am building (Locost 7). I am also looking at converting an old belt sander into a thickness sander. I will try to post some photos of the conversion if it works. Still not sure if I will build the Lobster Smack or scratch build the Gary Thomas.
  10. I laced the sail to the gaff and started on the boom and found I had forgotten to put the cleat on the boom. I had hoped to have the pram finished by now but now I need to let the cleat dry. I also found I installed the eyes on the boom on the wrong side. It will still work but the gooseneck will be on the other side then the plans show.
  11. I forgot to mark out some seam lines before I put on the reinforcements on the first side. I turned over the sail and marked them out and installed the corner reinforcements and the other side batten pockets. Just waiting for it to dry.
  12. Working on the sail. The layout in the instructions like all of the drawings is under size so I copied at 115% which fits the boom and gaff better. I am using the supplied sail cloth on this model to get it done. We will see how it looks, I'm not a big fan of real cloth on models as it looks out of scale usually. Instead of gluing the wood strips on for battens I am just gluing a fabric strip on each side as batten pockets (I hope that it will be stiff enough).
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