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Olli Sukunimisson

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    Espoo, Finland

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  1. Well, half of the second planking is done. I have no skills, no tools, and no time — just desire to build it and inspiration from your logs. Thanks, masters! Is it legal to rename your ship? I'd name her "Acceptable". Or "Desire." This is my ship. There are many like her, but this one is mine
  2. Thanks, Mr. Knocklouder, for the message and the good advice. I have made a couple of attempts to reproduce the steps from https://thenrg.org/resources/Documents/articles/APrimerOnPlanking.pdf without much success. However, I am going to keep trying
  3. Well, the first hull is more or less done. Now it's time for operation 'Slightly Less Painful Planks.' I'm using some leftover planks from the first level to see if I can bend them to lay them as perfectly as possible. Like a pro.
  4. Wow! I can't believe it - the first planking is done! The right board is ready for sanding. It was a cool experience. And it's even great that there's a lot of sanding work ahead because the second planking, though, is what scares me.
  5. Well, the first planking for the left board is done. It might not win a Nobel Prize for the best first planking of Lady Nelson this year, but it's mine! And I still hope to be on the shortlist! Conclusions: Don't panic; everything can be fixed with PVA and sanding. The planks are thin for any type of sandpaper.
  6. It is so tough to keep calm and not hurry. I have almost finished the first planking for the left board. It's not ideal, but definitely better than I expected. I am gluing paper patches and sanding them out to form a smooth surface. I want to finish the left board to understand what problems should be avoided on the right board.
  7. Hello everyone, I'm creating this post to keep the story of my very first real ship modeling adventure. Before starting, I investigated the forum, and I want to thank you all for the tons of useful tips and helpful techniques, especially for the list of kits for newbies. I've chosen Amati's Lady Nelson, and I'm more than happy with the choice. It seems challenging enough but not too tough, and it doesn't require a shipyard to build it. So far, it's been pure fun to build it. Here's my progress after a week of building. PS: I'm trying to build it without any hurry, step by step as described in the kit instruction (more or less ). Everybody starts here Everything was just fine and clear. The only thing I've 'improved' is adding small pieces of paper for better fixation in the sockets. Clips and bands magic I made this thing out of cardboard to bend the bulwark. In the photo, the bulwark is bending in the wrong direction. I later redid it. However, later I noticed that the instructions were perfectly accurate. After soaking the bulwarks for an hour, they bend easily on the model, so that cardboard thing was unnecessary. Isn't she beautiful, even in this very early stage?
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