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Rix ships

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  1. Thank you all for the warm welcome !
  2. Hi to all, My name is Rick and I have been a life long general modeler. I have 3 nautical modeling intersts: PT boats, Clipper ships and Bristol boats built by Allen Quimby Veneer of Maine. I am currently trying to build a model of the Flying Cloud from the 1928 Popular Mechanics series by James Tate. I have never done anything like this before. I am going to build the model from a hull started by my Grandfather in 1959 made from as he called it South American Red Cypress. The hull was made from 1inch thick X 8inch wide X 30 inch long planks bolted together so big enough to fit the sizes in the Tate book. The problem for me is the working prints , I have found them on line but they do not scale quite to the book when printed out and I can only print out at 50% on my printer so I am working with the 1/4 scale drawings in the book. And speaking of scale I think the scale is 1/8 inch to the foot. I have a draftsmans proportional divider which is really acurate. As of yessterday I decided to try to lay out the lifts on poster board. Previously , I had tried 3 sheets of 8/12 X 11 paper taped togethter. Anyway, I am glad to be here and will probably start a build entry here soon.
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