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Everything posted by BRiddoch

  1. Thanks all. It took me over a year to get the bow section done...(twice). Glad to be moving on. Bob
  2. Last week I drilled out and installed the hawse ports. This is how she sits as of last Saturday. I am currently on travel in the Bremerton, WA. area till Friday. I plan on starting copper plating this coming weekend before I head off to Japan for 6 weeks. Bob R.
  3. The disaster happened on a Wednesday. The following Saturday repairs began. I was able to salvage the stem which broke off fairly clean. I was also able to save the cheeks and rails. I rebuilt the timbers using boxwood which allowed for much cleaner lines. Head was replanked and the unique white trim which defines the Constitution was reapplied. Bob R.
  4. By the way Jim...I was on FF1087 (USS Kirk) back in the early 80's. Loved steaming those plants. Bob R.
  5. The rebuild is just about complete. It actually came out better the second time around. Pics to follow later today. Bob R.
  6. In December of 2012 while driving from San Diego to Los Angeles to attend the monthly SMA meeting, disaster struck. The Constitution decided to leave the backseat and attempt to get in the from seat...it failed. Bob R.
  7. Constructed the "Seats of Ease" using supplied grating and some left over Swiss Pear. Top rails was then added and the head area was planked. Bob R.
  8. Constructed the head rails. Third head rail was the most difficult due to the turns it has to make. I used basswood stock to construct these rails which are formed from three separate pieces. The second rail is pretty straightforward. Once the second rail is installed I built the timbers and finally installed the third rail. Bob R.
  9. It is an Amati Keel clamp dcbriski...sorry, I did not see your question. Bob R.
  10. Added the friezes. Still have the trim piece to install below the frieze and the hull will be complete. I used the friezes downloaded from this forum. The smallest one fit my hull perfectly. The ones supplied in the kit were way too large. Bob R.
  11. Looking great Jeff. I like the lighter color of your deck. Bob R.
  12. Chuck, I but my paints at the below link. This is mainly a model train shop. http://www.mainlinehobby.com/ Bob R.
  13. Thanks Bill. I seem to have gathered a large stockpile of driftwood over the years. Time to start using it. Bob R.
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