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About AllanP

  • Birthday 08/01/1962

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  • Location
    Charleville Qld
  • Interests
    Anything modelling, So far mainly 1:350 warships, and RC helicopters

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  1. Thanks Pete for the clarification, have been off-line for a bit hence that late reply. I think my initial confusion may have come about with the section of the question that stated you could only select four and must be in the correct order as all my research pointed to square only. Anyhow will try to register now and thanks again for clearing things up. AllanP
  2. Hi Juan, what an awesome job, am just starting out with this one and as i am new to wooden ship building do not expect to get any where near this standard but will be using this build log as an inspiration. allanP
  3. Thanks for the replies people, I did not want to be too nasty RE the registration process but you all seem to have the same thought process as me. Thought it may be another site to join considering I will be tackling the Panart Victory once i have caught up on all the other model under construction Allan
  4. Hi all, I have been trying to register on the website HMS Victory modellers resource forum but you have to answer a question in the correct sequence to prove you are not an automatic registration (bit silly to me But!!) All my searches for an answer only come up with the amount of cordage used to rig the ship. There are to boxes one with a list of what was not carried on the vicory and must drag the items that were carried on the vicroy in the box for what was carried on the victory What kind of rig did HMS Victory carry at the Battle of Trafalgar Here is the list Round Fore and Aft Buss Brigantine Striaght Hollow Angled Lateen Pinnace Schooner Tribacalo Rectangle Skiff Xebec Square Cutter You can only select four and the must be in the right order As I am not a Victory Genius I have exhausted my attempts to join and they do not even have the facility to contact the administrator for help AllanP
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