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Everything posted by xristos

  1. hi,Patrick the hinges are small pieces of EVERGREEN plastic the door latches it's a brass wire that I bent into right angles with a pair of pliers. then, I made a small hole in the door and put it in
  2. If you want any help, I'll be happy to help as best I can.
  3. hello Patrick . honestly my ideas are limited only to the operation of various mechanisms such as anchors, cranes etc. which you can easily find on https://www.youtube.com/@rcmodelship9025 and here everything else is a copy of other inspired modelers mainly from here
  4. Thank you very much! when i'm bored of making something the model gets dirty with a brush. I did this because I noticed from the documentaries that the ship was quite tired
  5. Bonjour, les rideaux nautiques sont faciles à trouver et à imprimer. Ils sont en papier drapeaux navals      naval flags Hello, nautical flags are easy to find and print. I made them from paper but whoever wants can print with waterproof material
  6. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8fcSQGL59CQx2H0SPhqMRw
  7. another calypso ship. It took me about 10 years to finish this ship. I was often lazy and did not do anything, but I searched the internet and saw that other modelers made their own ship
  8. http://www.modelsworld.ru/shop/product31693.php
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