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Everything posted by mhaas2

  1. Thanks, Russ. Yours is looking great! Loved that idea of the scale hardware. This boat had the sane setup. I could have used that idea about 3 months ago. Oh well. there is always the next one. I am sticking in a different model before I start the Olympia. 1971 Mallard Indy Roadster. The last roadster that attempted to qualify at the Indy 500. Driven by Jim Hurtabise. This a new experience, working with resin. Hopefully it will look like this when done.
  2. Hi all. Had to stop for the Holidays, between cooking a few feasts and making hand made pens for 20, I have had no time for the Willie. But, I was able to get back to it and finish it. The lighting system is really cool. Some of the pics are a little shaky, but you can still see. Forward cabin lighting After cabin lighting and details including fire buring in the stove!
  3. Thanks guys. I am getting near the end. Starting to look forward to the next project!
  4. I have a lot of progress. Both sails are done. Working on the axillary rigging. All that will be left is some details.
  5. I have, Russ. But, I have already put up the standing rigging, so that is not an option. Oh well. Live and learn!
  6. The jib boom is laced onto the jib sail and the main boom is sewn on the the main sail. Time to hoist the main sail. I am doing that before the jib as I think sewing around all the mast hoops will be easier with no jib sail in the way. The plans call to do it the other way.
  7. This is on my 1/32 scale Skipback. I used .018 rope from Admiralty The reefing lines are the same size.
  8. Thanks, Rick. I still need to install the netting on the dredges. The plans show a whole lot of small rings and figure-8 spacers between the dredge frame and the netting. Seven or eight rows of the on the bottom. Which makes sense as those would not break as easily as the net would tear, but I have not been able to make, or get, rings small enough. Guess I will just sew on the netting. Mike
  9. Thanks, Russ! I feel like the end of this build is coming up soon. I have a model of the USS Olympia on the ways next.
  10. I think the sails look pretty good. Was not as bad as I thought it might be, except for the 6-7 hours to whip stitch the bolt ropes on.
  11. Completed the standing rigging, guess I can't put off making the sails any longer. Wish me luck!
  12. Chain plates and strops! Almost time for the sails. I bought a sewing machine, time to learn how to sew!
  13. One down. Was not as bad as I thought it would be. Lots of pins, alligator clamps as heat sinks and wet paper towels to keep other joints from coming apart as I soldered the newest ones.
  14. Love the windlass Russ. I need to scratch that next kit rather than adding to the bad looking cast piece like I did on the Bennett.
  15. OK, made the main pieces for the first dredge. Have to make a few more straight pieces with eyes on the end and then try to get it to all stick together. Wish me luck!
  16. Thanks Russ. It has been the experience I wanted. A learning experience. Those dredges look daunting though. I need to figure a way to hold it all together to solder it.
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