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About vintagesailordave

  • Birthday 07/26/1941

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  • Location
    Youngstown, Ohio
  • Interests
    RC sailing. Schooners, vintage RC sailboats, Soling 1M.

    Restorations of antique pond yachts.

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  1. Hi Jeff looking forward to seeing your progress photos. If you aren't totally satisfied with the results of your paint job you can try what I do for paint prep on my RC sailboats. After the first coat of paint, if I still have bad spots I re-sand until I'm almost back to bare wood. Then I go back and re-fill any low spots with red body filler from the automotive parts store. Once it cures I sand it back and re- prime to seal the new filler. Then go back to paint. A bit tedious but usually get a very nice finish.
  2. Looking good Jeff. The recommendation to soak the plank and apply it to the hull to dry in a compliant curve is a good one. The plank will comply nicely without putting a lot of stress into the hull. Another approach is to get a piece of 1/ 2 or 3/4 inch copper pipe, clamp it in your vise and insert a propane torch. When the pipe gets hot you can bend a wet plank by working it over the hot pipe. Takes a little practice, but it's an effective way to steam planks. Dave Querin
  3. I have been trying to edit previous posts I made to the completed scratch built gallery to no avail. The content I originally posted was apparently lost in the crash. My problem is that when I enter the edit mode there is no way evident to upload any files. What am I missing? Help! Dave Querin
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