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  1. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from dgbot in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    A little addendum to the story of my Druid.  Grand Rapids (here in Michigan) has hosted for the past six years an event called ArtPrize.  This is a city wide hosted event focusing on art, both professional and amateur.  There is a prize purse in excess of half a million dollars so this isn't small.  This year saw 1536 entries spread over 174 venues.
    My wife wasn't impressed with a lot of last years entries and said she was going to enter the Druid, which she did.  So I earlier this year became an official entry of the 3-D category (with 346 of my closest friends).

    I ended up being hosted by a seafood restaurant actually directly across from the art museum:

    Over the course of the last week and a half I have been on site talking about my work to over a 1000 people.

    I made up small business cards to advertise (standard fare for this event) but took it up a notch with a customized card holder:

    I do not want to turn this into a 'what is art and what is not' topic but I was the only ~accurate model based entry (all years).  It was a little hard to keep my ego in check with the consistent outstanding comments people directed at me.  There was lots of "My Grandfather / Father / Son would love this / used to do this."  "I grew up with one of these in the house and have always loved them...."
    The feedback was worth it if nothing else.  I did meet a special youth that I invited over for some ship modeling discussions.  Peter has faced a lot of challenges but has been working on a model of the Titanic with popsicle sticks and pictures (no plans):

    There is a lot of interest out there in models, particularly ship models.  Do not be afraid to engage and put yourself out there,  I can tell you the rewards are huge.
    Stay Building my Friends,
  2. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from wangshuoliurui in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    A little addendum to the story of my Druid.  Grand Rapids (here in Michigan) has hosted for the past six years an event called ArtPrize.  This is a city wide hosted event focusing on art, both professional and amateur.  There is a prize purse in excess of half a million dollars so this isn't small.  This year saw 1536 entries spread over 174 venues.
    My wife wasn't impressed with a lot of last years entries and said she was going to enter the Druid, which she did.  So I earlier this year became an official entry of the 3-D category (with 346 of my closest friends).

    I ended up being hosted by a seafood restaurant actually directly across from the art museum:

    Over the course of the last week and a half I have been on site talking about my work to over a 1000 people.

    I made up small business cards to advertise (standard fare for this event) but took it up a notch with a customized card holder:

    I do not want to turn this into a 'what is art and what is not' topic but I was the only ~accurate model based entry (all years).  It was a little hard to keep my ego in check with the consistent outstanding comments people directed at me.  There was lots of "My Grandfather / Father / Son would love this / used to do this."  "I grew up with one of these in the house and have always loved them...."
    The feedback was worth it if nothing else.  I did meet a special youth that I invited over for some ship modeling discussions.  Peter has faced a lot of challenges but has been working on a model of the Titanic with popsicle sticks and pictures (no plans):

    There is a lot of interest out there in models, particularly ship models.  Do not be afraid to engage and put yourself out there,  I can tell you the rewards are huge.
    Stay Building my Friends,
  3. Like
    kruginmi reacted to Redshirt in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    A pity. The creative aspect of model building (from choosing the wood to filling out the gaps in the plans) makes it no less a form of art than creative photography or painting. Imo this Druid combined good artwork with the creativity that is demanded by art. The bunny suit foto is certainly creative but, at least in my case, it fails to invoke any kind of emotion or insight which makes it (for me) somewhat meh.
  4. Like
    kruginmi reacted to GMO2 in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    Not to worry.Those chaps would not recognize Montague Dawson as a true artist either.
  5. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from Elmer Cornish in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    A little addendum to the story of my Druid.  Grand Rapids (here in Michigan) has hosted for the past six years an event called ArtPrize.  This is a city wide hosted event focusing on art, both professional and amateur.  There is a prize purse in excess of half a million dollars so this isn't small.  This year saw 1536 entries spread over 174 venues.
    My wife wasn't impressed with a lot of last years entries and said she was going to enter the Druid, which she did.  So I earlier this year became an official entry of the 3-D category (with 346 of my closest friends).

    I ended up being hosted by a seafood restaurant actually directly across from the art museum:

    Over the course of the last week and a half I have been on site talking about my work to over a 1000 people.

    I made up small business cards to advertise (standard fare for this event) but took it up a notch with a customized card holder:

    I do not want to turn this into a 'what is art and what is not' topic but I was the only ~accurate model based entry (all years).  It was a little hard to keep my ego in check with the consistent outstanding comments people directed at me.  There was lots of "My Grandfather / Father / Son would love this / used to do this."  "I grew up with one of these in the house and have always loved them...."
    The feedback was worth it if nothing else.  I did meet a special youth that I invited over for some ship modeling discussions.  Peter has faced a lot of challenges but has been working on a model of the Titanic with popsicle sticks and pictures (no plans):

    There is a lot of interest out there in models, particularly ship models.  Do not be afraid to engage and put yourself out there,  I can tell you the rewards are huge.
    Stay Building my Friends,
  6. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from daHeld in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    Greetings (again).  Returning to MSW after a bit of off time (eg I just completed my 5th sprint triathlon).  I have not been idle and have lately been kicking it into high gear with my version of the HMS Druid.  Believe it or not, started in 2003 (two kids and a couple of homes ago) but looking to finish in the first quarter, 2014.  I have loved every minute I have spent - probably a little over 300 hours so far.
    I just finished with the bow assembly (sans the eking rail which will wait until the cathead is affixed).  Previous to that was the stern caprail.  I believe I am on the downhill of this build.  Next up is finishing the rudder metal work and then working up from the berthdeck finishing all the details.
    Additionally I have made progress on my Lady Anne and finished the DaVinci wing (currently on display at the Michigan Aviation Academy), but that will be a subject for another day.

  7. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from Trussben in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    A little addendum to the story of my Druid.  Grand Rapids (here in Michigan) has hosted for the past six years an event called ArtPrize.  This is a city wide hosted event focusing on art, both professional and amateur.  There is a prize purse in excess of half a million dollars so this isn't small.  This year saw 1536 entries spread over 174 venues.
    My wife wasn't impressed with a lot of last years entries and said she was going to enter the Druid, which she did.  So I earlier this year became an official entry of the 3-D category (with 346 of my closest friends).

    I ended up being hosted by a seafood restaurant actually directly across from the art museum:

    Over the course of the last week and a half I have been on site talking about my work to over a 1000 people.

    I made up small business cards to advertise (standard fare for this event) but took it up a notch with a customized card holder:

    I do not want to turn this into a 'what is art and what is not' topic but I was the only ~accurate model based entry (all years).  It was a little hard to keep my ego in check with the consistent outstanding comments people directed at me.  There was lots of "My Grandfather / Father / Son would love this / used to do this."  "I grew up with one of these in the house and have always loved them...."
    The feedback was worth it if nothing else.  I did meet a special youth that I invited over for some ship modeling discussions.  Peter has faced a lot of challenges but has been working on a model of the Titanic with popsicle sticks and pictures (no plans):

    There is a lot of interest out there in models, particularly ship models.  Do not be afraid to engage and put yourself out there,  I can tell you the rewards are huge.
    Stay Building my Friends,
  8. Like
    kruginmi reacted to mtaylor in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    The problem is... you didn't talk like an artist and stare off into the distance with that look of "artistic distain"  while mumbling about "no one understands my art!".     :D      
  9. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from Elmer Cornish in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    Thanks Eamonn and Mark (plus all the likes).  They have picked the final 20 (out of 1536) and I didn't make the cut.  This is that whole what is art topic.  For instance the official judges put the following at the top of their list:

    At least it involves the water.  Those are two representations of the 'artist' dressed in a bunny suit floating in the Grand River.  What can I say, I just didn't stand a chance against the pro's......(hah, hah).
    I wasn't in it for the money (would have been nice though.....) it was the discussions from the people stopping by and the interest it caused. 
  10. Like
    kruginmi reacted to egkb in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    Best of Luck with it mark !
  11. Like
    kruginmi reacted to mtaylor in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    That is absolutely fantastic.  I'm also admiring Peter's efforts.  Looks to be quite well done, IMO. 
  12. Like
    kruginmi reacted to jwvolz in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    Great to see ship modeling exposed to so many people Mark, well done.
    I have come to the conclusion based on the last picture that I will never understand art...
  13. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from harvey1847 in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    A little addendum to the story of my Druid.  Grand Rapids (here in Michigan) has hosted for the past six years an event called ArtPrize.  This is a city wide hosted event focusing on art, both professional and amateur.  There is a prize purse in excess of half a million dollars so this isn't small.  This year saw 1536 entries spread over 174 venues.
    My wife wasn't impressed with a lot of last years entries and said she was going to enter the Druid, which she did.  So I earlier this year became an official entry of the 3-D category (with 346 of my closest friends).

    I ended up being hosted by a seafood restaurant actually directly across from the art museum:

    Over the course of the last week and a half I have been on site talking about my work to over a 1000 people.

    I made up small business cards to advertise (standard fare for this event) but took it up a notch with a customized card holder:

    I do not want to turn this into a 'what is art and what is not' topic but I was the only ~accurate model based entry (all years).  It was a little hard to keep my ego in check with the consistent outstanding comments people directed at me.  There was lots of "My Grandfather / Father / Son would love this / used to do this."  "I grew up with one of these in the house and have always loved them...."
    The feedback was worth it if nothing else.  I did meet a special youth that I invited over for some ship modeling discussions.  Peter has faced a lot of challenges but has been working on a model of the Titanic with popsicle sticks and pictures (no plans):

    There is a lot of interest out there in models, particularly ship models.  Do not be afraid to engage and put yourself out there,  I can tell you the rewards are huge.
    Stay Building my Friends,
  14. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from ScottRC in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    Thanks Eamonn and Mark (plus all the likes).  They have picked the final 20 (out of 1536) and I didn't make the cut.  This is that whole what is art topic.  For instance the official judges put the following at the top of their list:

    At least it involves the water.  Those are two representations of the 'artist' dressed in a bunny suit floating in the Grand River.  What can I say, I just didn't stand a chance against the pro's......(hah, hah).
    I wasn't in it for the money (would have been nice though.....) it was the discussions from the people stopping by and the interest it caused. 
  15. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from Chuck Seiler in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    A little addendum to the story of my Druid.  Grand Rapids (here in Michigan) has hosted for the past six years an event called ArtPrize.  This is a city wide hosted event focusing on art, both professional and amateur.  There is a prize purse in excess of half a million dollars so this isn't small.  This year saw 1536 entries spread over 174 venues.
    My wife wasn't impressed with a lot of last years entries and said she was going to enter the Druid, which she did.  So I earlier this year became an official entry of the 3-D category (with 346 of my closest friends).

    I ended up being hosted by a seafood restaurant actually directly across from the art museum:

    Over the course of the last week and a half I have been on site talking about my work to over a 1000 people.

    I made up small business cards to advertise (standard fare for this event) but took it up a notch with a customized card holder:

    I do not want to turn this into a 'what is art and what is not' topic but I was the only ~accurate model based entry (all years).  It was a little hard to keep my ego in check with the consistent outstanding comments people directed at me.  There was lots of "My Grandfather / Father / Son would love this / used to do this."  "I grew up with one of these in the house and have always loved them...."
    The feedback was worth it if nothing else.  I did meet a special youth that I invited over for some ship modeling discussions.  Peter has faced a lot of challenges but has been working on a model of the Titanic with popsicle sticks and pictures (no plans):

    There is a lot of interest out there in models, particularly ship models.  Do not be afraid to engage and put yourself out there,  I can tell you the rewards are huge.
    Stay Building my Friends,
  16. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from michael mott in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    A little addendum to the story of my Druid.  Grand Rapids (here in Michigan) has hosted for the past six years an event called ArtPrize.  This is a city wide hosted event focusing on art, both professional and amateur.  There is a prize purse in excess of half a million dollars so this isn't small.  This year saw 1536 entries spread over 174 venues.
    My wife wasn't impressed with a lot of last years entries and said she was going to enter the Druid, which she did.  So I earlier this year became an official entry of the 3-D category (with 346 of my closest friends).

    I ended up being hosted by a seafood restaurant actually directly across from the art museum:

    Over the course of the last week and a half I have been on site talking about my work to over a 1000 people.

    I made up small business cards to advertise (standard fare for this event) but took it up a notch with a customized card holder:

    I do not want to turn this into a 'what is art and what is not' topic but I was the only ~accurate model based entry (all years).  It was a little hard to keep my ego in check with the consistent outstanding comments people directed at me.  There was lots of "My Grandfather / Father / Son would love this / used to do this."  "I grew up with one of these in the house and have always loved them...."
    The feedback was worth it if nothing else.  I did meet a special youth that I invited over for some ship modeling discussions.  Peter has faced a lot of challenges but has been working on a model of the Titanic with popsicle sticks and pictures (no plans):

    There is a lot of interest out there in models, particularly ship models.  Do not be afraid to engage and put yourself out there,  I can tell you the rewards are huge.
    Stay Building my Friends,
  17. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from GrandpaPhil in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    Thanks, Peter.  I have used two more sessions with the figurehead generating a LARGE pile of dust and chips, hard to believe from a piece so small, but in this case less is more.  I am trying to balance between a stylized version and a realistic version.  But after last nights session I was happy with the look and after staring at it for 10 minutes this morning there was no little voice in the back of my head.  The final version is:

    So I can officially say that the SHIP IS DONE, and this will be my last post with pictures (and the peasants rejoiced).

    Stats of my first scratch ever:
    Duration:  12 years (during 3 house moves, 3 finished basements, kitchen remodels, etc)
    External Additions:  2 kids (6 in total)
    Hours:   Over 500 estimated (356 specifically accounted for in my log, begun 3 years in)
    Pieces:   Over 3000 estimated  (2600 accounted for in my log)
    Fun:    Priceless
    My thoughts now turn back to the Lady Anne and my next scratch.....
    Stay Building my Friends,
  18. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from Jeronimo in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    In for a buck, in for a hundred.  I dove in and started cutting:

    A little hoodendectimy and some gouges into the smooth robes and 20 minutes later a more refined figurehead.
    For now good, who knows tomorrow??
  19. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from gieb8688 in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    A little addendum to the story of my Druid.  Grand Rapids (here in Michigan) has hosted for the past six years an event called ArtPrize.  This is a city wide hosted event focusing on art, both professional and amateur.  There is a prize purse in excess of half a million dollars so this isn't small.  This year saw 1536 entries spread over 174 venues.
    My wife wasn't impressed with a lot of last years entries and said she was going to enter the Druid, which she did.  So I earlier this year became an official entry of the 3-D category (with 346 of my closest friends).

    I ended up being hosted by a seafood restaurant actually directly across from the art museum:

    Over the course of the last week and a half I have been on site talking about my work to over a 1000 people.

    I made up small business cards to advertise (standard fare for this event) but took it up a notch with a customized card holder:

    I do not want to turn this into a 'what is art and what is not' topic but I was the only ~accurate model based entry (all years).  It was a little hard to keep my ego in check with the consistent outstanding comments people directed at me.  There was lots of "My Grandfather / Father / Son would love this / used to do this."  "I grew up with one of these in the house and have always loved them...."
    The feedback was worth it if nothing else.  I did meet a special youth that I invited over for some ship modeling discussions.  Peter has faced a lot of challenges but has been working on a model of the Titanic with popsicle sticks and pictures (no plans):

    There is a lot of interest out there in models, particularly ship models.  Do not be afraid to engage and put yourself out there,  I can tell you the rewards are huge.
    Stay Building my Friends,
  20. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from gjdale in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    A little addendum to the story of my Druid.  Grand Rapids (here in Michigan) has hosted for the past six years an event called ArtPrize.  This is a city wide hosted event focusing on art, both professional and amateur.  There is a prize purse in excess of half a million dollars so this isn't small.  This year saw 1536 entries spread over 174 venues.
    My wife wasn't impressed with a lot of last years entries and said she was going to enter the Druid, which she did.  So I earlier this year became an official entry of the 3-D category (with 346 of my closest friends).

    I ended up being hosted by a seafood restaurant actually directly across from the art museum:

    Over the course of the last week and a half I have been on site talking about my work to over a 1000 people.

    I made up small business cards to advertise (standard fare for this event) but took it up a notch with a customized card holder:

    I do not want to turn this into a 'what is art and what is not' topic but I was the only ~accurate model based entry (all years).  It was a little hard to keep my ego in check with the consistent outstanding comments people directed at me.  There was lots of "My Grandfather / Father / Son would love this / used to do this."  "I grew up with one of these in the house and have always loved them...."
    The feedback was worth it if nothing else.  I did meet a special youth that I invited over for some ship modeling discussions.  Peter has faced a lot of challenges but has been working on a model of the Titanic with popsicle sticks and pictures (no plans):

    There is a lot of interest out there in models, particularly ship models.  Do not be afraid to engage and put yourself out there,  I can tell you the rewards are huge.
    Stay Building my Friends,
  21. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from jwvolz in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    A little addendum to the story of my Druid.  Grand Rapids (here in Michigan) has hosted for the past six years an event called ArtPrize.  This is a city wide hosted event focusing on art, both professional and amateur.  There is a prize purse in excess of half a million dollars so this isn't small.  This year saw 1536 entries spread over 174 venues.
    My wife wasn't impressed with a lot of last years entries and said she was going to enter the Druid, which she did.  So I earlier this year became an official entry of the 3-D category (with 346 of my closest friends).

    I ended up being hosted by a seafood restaurant actually directly across from the art museum:

    Over the course of the last week and a half I have been on site talking about my work to over a 1000 people.

    I made up small business cards to advertise (standard fare for this event) but took it up a notch with a customized card holder:

    I do not want to turn this into a 'what is art and what is not' topic but I was the only ~accurate model based entry (all years).  It was a little hard to keep my ego in check with the consistent outstanding comments people directed at me.  There was lots of "My Grandfather / Father / Son would love this / used to do this."  "I grew up with one of these in the house and have always loved them...."
    The feedback was worth it if nothing else.  I did meet a special youth that I invited over for some ship modeling discussions.  Peter has faced a lot of challenges but has been working on a model of the Titanic with popsicle sticks and pictures (no plans):

    There is a lot of interest out there in models, particularly ship models.  Do not be afraid to engage and put yourself out there,  I can tell you the rewards are huge.
    Stay Building my Friends,
  22. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from CharlieZardoz in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    Thanks, Peter.  I have used two more sessions with the figurehead generating a LARGE pile of dust and chips, hard to believe from a piece so small, but in this case less is more.  I am trying to balance between a stylized version and a realistic version.  But after last nights session I was happy with the look and after staring at it for 10 minutes this morning there was no little voice in the back of my head.  The final version is:

    So I can officially say that the SHIP IS DONE, and this will be my last post with pictures (and the peasants rejoiced).

    Stats of my first scratch ever:
    Duration:  12 years (during 3 house moves, 3 finished basements, kitchen remodels, etc)
    External Additions:  2 kids (6 in total)
    Hours:   Over 500 estimated (356 specifically accounted for in my log, begun 3 years in)
    Pieces:   Over 3000 estimated  (2600 accounted for in my log)
    Fun:    Priceless
    My thoughts now turn back to the Lady Anne and my next scratch.....
    Stay Building my Friends,
  23. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from Jeronimo in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    The case.
    Yes I know the figurehead still looms out there, but I wanted a measure of safety with not only because of the kids but also spectators that love to put their hands near, if not on, the hull.  So....I needed a bottom to go with that plexiglass top.  Step one was to get some 1/2" oak and some 1/2" poplar (filler) to construct the main base.  Everything was glued together using biscuits:

    Then I added some 5/8" inch cove molding to provide half the slot for the plexiglass dome.  The outside edge was also routed to add some character and the whole thing stained and urethaned:

    Then I cut a 1/2" MDF board down to size to create the slot (between it and the molding) for the plexiglass to slide.  The MDF was painted a flat/flat black along with the stand previously made.  I did not paint the connection point that slides over the keel and between the ribs so it wouldn't stand out.

    I still need to paint the bolt heads that go through all three pieces and are affixed with a nut recessed in the very bottom.  I affixed the Druid and I had not done anything really dumb (which I hadn't discounted):

    So I carried everything (bottom, top and Druid separately) to the family room and put it in its designated place.  I put the top on and stood back (thinking about that FIGUREHEAD).  Yea, that will begin come Monday.

    I really appreciate all the likes / looks / comments.  This last stretch is truly a stretch.  I keep thinking just another week and I will be done but that started 5 months ago and I am still plugging away.  I am still having fun and truly only have one item on the list left (the figurehead - did you catch that?).
    Stay Building My Friends,
  24. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from Mike Y in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    A little addendum to the story of my Druid.  Grand Rapids (here in Michigan) has hosted for the past six years an event called ArtPrize.  This is a city wide hosted event focusing on art, both professional and amateur.  There is a prize purse in excess of half a million dollars so this isn't small.  This year saw 1536 entries spread over 174 venues.
    My wife wasn't impressed with a lot of last years entries and said she was going to enter the Druid, which she did.  So I earlier this year became an official entry of the 3-D category (with 346 of my closest friends).

    I ended up being hosted by a seafood restaurant actually directly across from the art museum:

    Over the course of the last week and a half I have been on site talking about my work to over a 1000 people.

    I made up small business cards to advertise (standard fare for this event) but took it up a notch with a customized card holder:

    I do not want to turn this into a 'what is art and what is not' topic but I was the only ~accurate model based entry (all years).  It was a little hard to keep my ego in check with the consistent outstanding comments people directed at me.  There was lots of "My Grandfather / Father / Son would love this / used to do this."  "I grew up with one of these in the house and have always loved them...."
    The feedback was worth it if nothing else.  I did meet a special youth that I invited over for some ship modeling discussions.  Peter has faced a lot of challenges but has been working on a model of the Titanic with popsicle sticks and pictures (no plans):

    There is a lot of interest out there in models, particularly ship models.  Do not be afraid to engage and put yourself out there,  I can tell you the rewards are huge.
    Stay Building my Friends,
  25. Like
    kruginmi got a reaction from tadheus in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    In for a buck, in for a hundred.  I dove in and started cutting:

    A little hoodendectimy and some gouges into the smooth robes and 20 minutes later a more refined figurehead.
    For now good, who knows tomorrow??
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