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About haughtonb

  • Birthday 02/16/1979

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  • Interests
    Fly fishing, Bass fishing, competition shooting, diesels wood ships and carving.

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  1. Those dark wide plankingstrips gave me a hard time. Had to glue a few inches at a time so they would not kink.
  2. Next model I build I think I will only do one layer of planking. Seems like a waste of time.
  3. It has been awhile since I have worked on this, but I am almost done with the first layer of planking on one side.
  4. Thanks.I have been using it for sanding in tight places. I will try it out on my carving knifes.
  5. I bought some old modeling tools and this sanding stick came with it. I cant find out the name so I can buy some more. I have a lot of old tools that came with the stick stuff that isn't made any longer. If any body programs CNC machines I would love to send one of the old planking clamps so I can have some more and I need to make them a little bigger. They were built to last and not like these new wood planking clamps.
  6. Kostas. I have the rigging plans and a book with photo's that show's detailed build. I must be missing the small instruction book. I think I can build it know w/o instructions, but if I run into any problems I will contact you and I will also check out your build when I have time. Did this model come with any build plans like the rigging or just the picture book and small book? I will go through the rigging plans and see how many I have. I think it is 1 large sheet for rigging. Thanks
  7. haven't had much time to work on it. Working on shaping the stern and thinking of filling in gaps with filler so I can picture it better. What is a good filler? Easily sanded and ease of application. I am thinking of just using bondo since I have some and know how to use it.
  8. Thanks. I have it working now it is just taking a long time or maybe I spend too much time shaping bulkheads.
  9. Clearly marked center bulkhead. I found it easier and faster to shape bulkheads with the center marked.
  10. Do you have any pics of the transom before it was planked? I am shaping my bulkheads and scared I might take too much off the last 2 bulkheads.
  11. Just laid the forecastle deck. I have to sand it, shape it, and add boarders around every deck. Almost time to start planking the hull. I still have to shape hull a lot more.
  12. I have checked some of them. Most of the mistakes I make is from me not paying attention.
  13. I have a few more pieces left till the main deck is complete than the sanding begins..
  14. I am almost finished shaping the bulkheads to accept the first layer of planks. In the photo below the main deck was suppose to stop where my thumb is. I had to break all the planks off and start over on the deck. I am beginning to think starting a model with no plans was a big mistake for my first build.
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