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Everything posted by Kimberley

  1. By the way, here are pictures of the first ship I just completed. This is the Revell U.S.S. Constitution 1:196 scale. It is the small one. I did not paint it much. I focused more on putting it together. As you can see, I had problems with my ties (forgot what those are called) for the sails. Plus, I did not put as many ties the instructions said to on some of the sails. I have no idea how they thought I could fit that many holes and ties on some of those sails. My top cannons kind of all cockeyed, but I think I can do my next ones correctly now that I know about the tweezers. I did figure out that if something does not fit in a hole then you have to get creative to make it fit, such as dig out the hole to be bigger or thin down the piece that is going into the hole to make it fit. Basically, I really winged it on this ship, since I did not have any help yet. I sure am thankful I will help with this next one.
  2. Thank you so much everyone for your tips, information, and ideas. I just now got all the pieces washed like you said to do. As a matter of fact, I do have something I can test the paints on and practice on. It is a tiny, cheap, junk ship kit that a sales person suggested I try. I have some Testors paints. I even have 2 bottles of acrylic paints that a hobby sales person said he liked to use, and he wanted me to try. I have plenty of brushes already. I have sand paper. It pays to have been doing arts and crafts for several years, because I already have some of the tools I need. I need to get the tape and primer. Do I spray paint the sails? I am going to pull all the pieces off and lay them out with their number next to them. Then I am going to paint them before starting to build the ship. Does that sound like a good plan? You guys should see the tiny little pirate men this kit came with. I like Ken's fictitious story about the ship.
  3. Ulises I am not sure where to post pictures of the ship I just completed. I don't think it is good enough for the completed gallery. Personally, I think it looks good, but it is not as nice as the gallery ones.
  4. Thanks Richard. I will get some of the tape you suggested. Which brushes work best? The soft tipped ones or the hard tipped ones? I have a ton of brushes. I did buy one of the paint pens to see if they work well for detailed areas. Also, do you have any tricks for when you do mess up to get the paint off?
  5. I definitely love the needle thread tip. Ulises I am using ship modeling glue. It was recommended by the guy at the hobby store. It has a great long narrow tube on it, so it makes it easy to control the paint, and to get into tight places. Oh no, my ship is not 3' long. It is around 15 inches long. If you do a search online, you can find it and see what it looks like and the size of it. It is a skill level 3. My next ship is a skill level 2. I really want to learn the proper techniques, skills, and tools before I start a really difficult and expensive ship.
  6. Thank you so much Russ. I am so happy to hear it is based on a real ship. Everyone has such serious names on their ships. I was afraid you guys might think my new ship was dumb, but I like it. Plus, it does not look as easy as the name suggests. It has quite a lot of pieces, and they are very small. I am going to start painting it tomorrow. Which type of paint is usually the best for plastic ships? Plus, how do you guys keep your lines straight and sharp when you paint on the hull, etc.? When I tried to paint on the hull of my last ship, the paint looked really sloppy.
  7. Go ahead and laugh. I like pirate ships. After doing the Revell U.S.S. Constitution as my first ship, I decided to tone it down with a level 2 ship. I have to admit this one looks tough too. The pieces are so tiny. Oh well, I enjoy a challenge. I am excited to have my first build log.
  8. Ulises it says 1:196 Scale on the bottom of the Revell box. I finished my ship. I got all the sails on it. What is CA glue? Is that the glue I am using to glue the plastic pieces together? That is what I used on this rigging. I will use the stuff you suggested next time Duff. Get ready to laugh at what my next ship is going to be...lol I am going to start a build log for it.
  9. Thanks for the tips guys. I am definitely going to try them on my next build. I finished my ship. I winged it on a lot of things. I just had to do my best trying to figure out how to make something work. The sails were tough. I need a third hand. I did learn tricks as I was working on it. I am starting a new one, and I will do a log for it.
  10. Hi Duff. I am building the Revell U.S.S. Constitution 1:196 scale. Believe it or not, that is what the guy at the hobby store told me would be a good starter ship. I think maybe I should have started with something a little easier. I am down to putting the sails on. I am doing the simple version for the rigging and sails. I have so much to learn about the proper terms for things on a ship. I gave up on trying to paint it, and decided just to focus on trying to put it together. I have really winged it on many things, because I of course had no idea of the proper techniques or the tools I needed. I am just doing simple knots for the rigging and the sails and then sticking a dab of glue on them. Now that I have you guys, my next ship will be hopefully be done correctly, or at least better. Since I have done so many arts and crafts, I already have some of the things I need, and I have been slowly buying the stuff on the basic tools list. I do have a great pair of 2" blade EK Success scissors that are working well for snipping. I also am using a pair of barber scissors as my longer pair of scissors, since they are very sharp and thin. They work much better than my usual arts and crafts scissors. I would appreciate all the tips you can give me. Sounds like you are doing some amazing ships. I can't even imagine doing a scratch build. Do you have some ships in the gallery. I will also go look at your log thing. I still need to figure out how to set that up for my next ship. This forum setup is new to me. My husband is on one, so he is going to help me learn how to use it. I am used to facebook groups. Kimberley
  11. Thanks guys. That is a lot of great tips. I am so excited to learn so much from you guys. Plus, it has been fun discovering some tricks of my own.
  12. I know I am a beginner, but I have done a lot of arts and crafts in my lifetime. I am still working on my first ship, which has thin thread for the rigging, etc. Someone may have already come up with this idea, but I thought I would share it. I don't know if this will help any of you or not, but I discovered that a small metal crochet hook helps me grab the thread for knots or when I am trying to get it into small holes. Anyway, they would work great for grabbing any type of thread or rope when you can't seem to get a hold of it or get it to go in the direction you want it to, and there are several different sizes of hooks.
  13. I got all my rigging up. I am doing the easy set of instructions for the rigging and sails. I just started my first sail. I discovered you have to do the holes and thread first before trying to attach it. I have discovered that a very small metal crochet hook is great for pulling through your string through for knots, holes, etc. Makes it easy to grab the string for the pull through.
  14. Thanks for the tip Richard. I am using the thread it came with on this one. Are you kidding. I am just trying to survive this one! lol
  15. I did it! I got my first rigging up. I winged it. I used a needle with the thread to weave in and out and around the poles. Then I just tied it the best I could and stuck some glue on it. Andy, I think I will start a log for my next ship. I am going to finish this one up the best I can, and then get started on another one that I can do more correctly with you guys helping me.
  16. Thanks Jay. How funny. I have done a lot of arts and crafts, and I was even thinking DMC brand thread might work better. I also know a lot about fabric glue. I am good with needles too. I have even found that they help clear out and punch through some of the holes in the plastic. I am discovering that some of my own arts and craft skills are coming in handy. I was even thinking that some of my tiny crochet hooks may come in handy. I gave up trying to paint this ship, and and decided just to focus on trying to put it together. It is amazing on how much I have learned, but I have a long ways to go. I will per-stretch like you said. The 3rd hand thing looks handy.
  17. I think I should have mentioned I am doing the 1:196 scale. The string is so thin and hard to tie with my fingers. Plus, it slides all over the place when I am trying to tie it. Any suggestions? Do I put a touch of glue on the knot after I tie it?
  18. Thanks. All of this information is exactly what I was looking for also.
  19. Thank you Andy. That is exactly what I needed.
  20. Those are way too many knots on that list. I just need the names of the few simple knots I need for this ship. Like what knots do I use for the black rigging color that does not got to the sails? Then what knots do I use for the sails?
  21. Please help. This is my first ship. Believe it or not, it was actually suggested as a good starter ship when I went to the hobby store. I have done pretty good, but I am down to the string part and I am not sure how to do the knots for it. The good news is I am good with a needle, because I have done a lot of sewing.
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