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Everything posted by Kimberley

  1. Your ship is amazing Popeye. From what I have been reading, sounds like you are quite the busy bee.
  2. Your ship is amazing! It is gorgeous! I hope one day I have the skills and the opportunity to build something that magnificent. I have a llllloooonnnnggg ways to go.
  3. What is a tuck? I looked it up under our definitions, but it does not make sense to me.
  4. Wow! Thank you everyone for your compliments. You guys do wonders for my confidence. I am getting close to the toughest parts...masts, sails, and rigging. I did try out the elmers glue and water trick for the thread, and it works great. I did it for the knots on my anchors. The thread/rope for this ship is thicker than the other ships. Here is where I am thus far: I have the side rails up and the anchors done. Here is my stand. Do you guys like the way I did this or not? I wanted it to look aged. Shot of the front part. Back end. I did not get it perfect, but I was dang close to it.
  5. Wow! Your ship is amazing. It is big! I got to see a lot of ships like you are building when we went to the maritime museum in Sturgeon Bay last month. I could not believe all the detail work on them. I like your workshop too. I wish I had a bigger work area.
  6. Right now I am holding the back end of my ship together with my hands to get it glued tight together. I can't clamp it tight enough. No room for clamps. Desperate times call for desperate measures. WOW! It is hard to type with one hand.
  7. Crackers I did not even know they had figure kits. That is awesome, but dang expensive...lol
  8. Wow! Crackers thank you for the flowers. Thank you all for the compliments and tips. Popeye I am not quite sure what the cabin bulkhead means (I even looked it up in our definition MS word document). Does it mean where I have the cabin on top of the aft (I think that is the right term)? The castle? deck partially covers the the bottom deck. I hope I said that right. There are so many terms I still need to learn. Aha, I am guessing you have to have a perfect fit to be able to use the thin glue. Am I right on that one? The glue I am using gives me the ability to glue things that are not perfectly flush with each other. Fluid, but fills gaps. It would really be awesome to be in a contest, but I don't know if I will ever reach that point. Of course, you never know. I think I am catching onto what putty is. Is it like the way they use putty on cars? Here is where I am with my ship. I am having so much fun doing this ship!
  9. Wow! That looks amazing! You are quite talented. I think I will redo her again one of these. Next time I will get her all painted and hopefully be much better at doing the rigging. I want to do the 1/96 one. I saw it is the hobby shop the other day for like $75.00. I saw them on Amazon for less. I was amazed at how expensive the wooden ships are. I am quite pleased with myself for the work I have done on my new Santa Maria.
  10. Yes, that is a very scary Blackbeard! I doubt his teeth were that white. No, I don't have a favorite specific ship. My favorite ships are the ones like I am building now. The old type ships with the long masts, tons of sails, and a lot of rigging. I don't know what their proper name is for them. I love the way they look. If you know what I mean. I wish I could sail on a real one.
  11. I am still not sure why I need putty, but I am really glad you gave me an extreme warning on it. Now I am not even sure I want to ever use the stuff. I guess one of these days I will figure out why I need it. Edward thanks for the tip on the tape. Here is where I am with the deck. I am even painting everything. I am being very meticulous on this one.
  12. Thanks Scott for the tips. I just found the book on Amazon. I will get it.
  13. I am still not quite sure how to use the Tamilya thin glue. Do I put the two halves together and then paint the glue along the seam? I am used to gluing them together with model glue. Sorry Ulises. I already painted the two halves separate. I will do it right next time. What is filler? Also, I can't use clamps to hold this together like I could with the USS Constitution. What do you use to hold things, such has the two hulls, together for the glue to dry when you can't use a clamp?
  14. Thanks Channel. I wish it had turned out better. I love pirate ships. I am going to try another one later on. A real one this time. Here is the link to an artist, Maitz, who does awesome paintings of pirates. http://www.paravia.com/DonMaitz/website/MaritimeHeritage/index.html Anyway, I am working on the Revell Santa Maria now.
  15. I got the hull painted today. I really do like the acrylic paint. I think I did a pretty good job. I need to do a few touch ups, but otherwise I think it looks pretty good. I am feeling more comfortable with the paint now. It is not as intimidating as I thought it would be.
  16. Thank you guys. I bought Model Color acrylic colors. Okay, I am going to paint first. Wish me luck. I am not very talented when it comes to painting.
  17. Thanks guys! You made me feel better. I started my build log for my Revell Santa Maria. I could sure use your help if you are willing to follow it. I am still asking a question about painting. Do I paint the pieces before starting anything else?
  18. Thanks for the tips and links. I did get the parts all washed up. I did get a side cutter today. Andy, I really like the links you sent me for the stand and cutters. I was still wondering. Do I paint all the pieces first? Ian thanks for the glue tips. I think it is the way I am supposed to use the Tamiya glue also. I am still going to play with that glue some more on scrap parts and play with the paint before I start the actual ship. Just taking my time like you guys keep telling me to do. Plan and think about things before moving forward.
  19. I got the parts washed tonight. I bought all the acrylic paints I need today. Plus, I bought a pin vise. I also got some floss threaders today for the rigging string. My mother's idea. I am practicing the paint on a junk boat I have. I am also trying out the Tamiya thin glue. I realized I really need to have some ventilation with it. I will set up a fan. I only have my xacto knife right now to cut off the pieces. I need to also get one of those bigger cutter things I have seen you guys use to cut the thick pieces on the tree. What are those called? I have tweezers, scissors, files, paint brushes, needles, clothes pins, model master glue, elmer's glue, crochet hooks, exacto knife, Tamiya thin glue, pin vise, floss threaders, paints. Can you guys think of anything else I might really need? I do need to get a good ruler. I am not so hot when it comes to geometry, so the math part is going to be hard for me. I have problems with measurements. Do you just work on your boats on the stand it comes with? Oh, and do I glue the stand onto the bottom of my hull? Now should I paint all the pieces first? Oh yes, I will definitely do a wooden ship one of these days.
  20. It looks great! I sure hope I can do rigging like that one of these days.
  21. Ian I bought a pin vise today at Hobby Lobby. I got all my acrylic paints for my new Santa Maria also. I started my build log for her today. I have been told to paint everything first. Steamwake I did not have too many problems with the hot dental pick. I had some issues with a slight burning color around some. It would get kind of stuck if I did not get it hot enough. Yeah, I was wondering how to color the sails? Thanks for the tip on the ruler.
  22. Thanks guys. I really appreciate all your help and support. I am definitely listening to your advice. I started my build log for my Santa Maria. I got the acrylic paints. I also go a pin vise. I am practicing the paint and the Tam. thin glue on scraps. Boy, I realized I am going to need to have some ventilation with that glue.
  23. Here she is. My new Santa Maria. This will be my third ship, but I plan on doing all the painting on this ship. Plus, doing the rigging correctly, and hopefully not end up with any extra parts at the end. I am really going to take my time doing her. I would greatly appreciate anyone's advice or help as I am working on her. I am sure I will have a lot of questions. Thankfully, I do have photoshop and can mark or write words on pictures that I post that might help show what I am trying to talk about. Please cross your fingers for me.
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