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  1. mtaylor's post in Boxwood (Buxus) sheets for sale was marked as the answer   
    You might want to post that here:  https://modelshipworld.com/#:~:text=Traders%2C Dealers%2C Buying or Selling anything%3F - Discuss New Products and Ship Model Goodies here as well!!
  2. mtaylor's post in Printable scale rulers was marked as the answer   
    I have this one....  print... double check for accuracy.... adjust if needed and use it.  Has a bunch of the more common scales.
  3. mtaylor's post in Mast rake for the Occre kit 'Albatros' was marked as the answer   
    Welcome to MSW, Andrew.  I suggest you do an intro in the new member area.     Also, I'm moving this to the correct forum area so it get the proper visibility.
  4. mtaylor's post in Photos added to my build log are not populating in my first page header. Bluejacket Grand Banks Dory. was marked as the answer   
    Try this link... it's a topic in this section.  
  5. mtaylor's post in Card models was marked as the answer   
    I'd start by going to the kit area and searching using "CARD" as the key word.  Also set the search for "titles only".  
    Also there is this area for discussion but no build logs:  https://modelshipworld.com/forum/28-card-and-paper-models/
  6. mtaylor's post in Checkered cabin flooring was marked as the answer   
    At one time, I think the Victory had the canvas on the floor.  Maybe Google (image search) and see?
  7. mtaylor's post in Schrouds Deadeye’s etc mystery was marked as the answer   
    Didn't many of the bowsprit stays have a zig-zag pattern to running of what's being called "ratlines"?  It would be one line run back and forth from the tip of the bowsprit to the hull.  I don't remember it's just on few ships (types and countries) or just done during a timeframe in history.
  8. mtaylor's post in Looking for Ideas On How to Separate and Store Planking and Wood Strips was marked as the answer   
    Just go down to the hardware store and look for plastic pipe of a diameter that fits what your storing.  Cut into lengths, again to lengths a bit (an inch or two) shorter than the wood.   You can stand them up or lay them on their sides.   They also make end caps so you can pick up one tube and not have the wood falling all over the place.   If I remember right, they have both round and square tubing.
    In my shop, I use the square fence post covers, cut down to about 2 feet long and stacked on their side.
  9. mtaylor's post in Moderators, Please move my build log to the correct Time Frame Forum was marked as the answer   
    It's been moved, Edward.
  10. mtaylor's post in How to delete a post to an existing tread was marked as the answer   
    Joe, go to the post.  Up in the upper right hand corner are 3 dots (...)  Click on it and menu will open.  You can edit the post (replace the MP4 with a link or delete the whole post.
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