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  1. Like
    fmartins got a reaction from Omega1234 in Royal Louis by fmartins - multi-media   
    Thank you Mark! Now I'm certain to follow this direction... I'll also look for this book you suggested. By the way what kind of issues should I be prepared for?
  2. Like
    fmartins got a reaction from Omega1234 in Royal Louis by fmartins - multi-media   
    Thanks Davyboy, I'll take a look and buy a copy if in a good price. Unfortunately brazilian currency has devalued quickly and too much last year so even cheap books are not cheap for us anymore  :( ....
    EJ_L, thanks again! I'll follow your suggestions!  :D
  3. Like
    fmartins got a reaction from Omega1234 in Royal Louis by fmartins - multi-media   
    Ah, this Goodwin fellow you wrote about, are there any books from him you'd suggest?
  4. Like
    fmartins got a reaction from Omega1234 in Royal Louis by fmartins - multi-media   
    Allan, thanks a lot! With the French ships it happened the same right? I'm gonna double plank this area glush to the wales. As for the width of the planks I'm quite sure it won't be in scale... I don't think I'de be able to do it, not without some serious proper equipment...
  5. Like
    fmartins got a reaction from Omega1234 in Royal Louis by fmartins - multi-media   
    Hey dupress, it's certainly miles away from from being amazing but I'm glad you liked it. it's been a challenge so far, but it will become even more so as I'll have to add details on the deck and the rigging - which by the way I have no idea what to do... 
    Thanks for the input. From what I can see this extra layer of planking should be flush with the wales right? I'm searching for information in modelibg books but so far nothing...
  6. Like
    fmartins got a reaction from GrandpaPhil in Royal Louis by fmartins - multi-media   
    Having relatives over can be really stressful... they don't offer any help and expect everything ready at hand... My helper (cat) flees every time she sees a child... but I still managed to finalize glueing the wales... 

    The dreaded planking will start soon, I'm still working on how to do it. I'm thinking abou doing it a bit more in detail and with care from the first wale up. From the wales down (waterline to be morw exact) I will paint it like the parisian model. So, just a good sanding and some Tamiya putty will make it look good. Has anyone tried this putty with wood? With my plastic models it works wonders...
    I'll also finish the upper decks and glue them soon... just as long as my relatives don't kill me first... :angry:    
  7. Like
    fmartins got a reaction from Omega1234 in Royal Louis by fmartins - multi-media   
    Thanks Mark! I'll check that build... from what I can see in the pics I uploaded this extra planking was pretty much flush with the wales right? About scoring, I was thinking to run a pencil at the border of the planks to simulate caulking, but if I score the planks I wouldn't be able to do the simulated caulking right? Any advice?
  8. Like
    fmartins got a reaction from Omega1234 in Royal Louis by fmartins - multi-media   
    What do you mean by 'score'? Sorry English is not my mother language... Would it be like using a pencil or something to emulate the planks coming together?
  9. Like
    fmartins got a reaction from Omega1234 in Royal Louis by fmartins - multi-media   
    Hey Ulisses! Thanks for dropping by... Good to see a fellow Royal Louis modeler out there... 
  10. Like
    fmartins got a reaction from archjofo in Royal Louis by fmartins - multi-media   
    Since the gunports are not really in scale, I had to trim the wales much more than in the original ship...     

    I'll have some relatives over for the next few days so no new posts for now... I'll also try to think about the planking and figure out how to do it... any comment and/or advise is appreciated...
  11. Like
    fmartins got a reaction from archjofo in Royal Louis by fmartins - multi-media   
    By the way, I never noticed before this detail (in green on the picture). Was it some form of double planking at the bow?

    In this last picture I think it is a bit clearer, there is a significant difference in depth between wales and planks before this 'doube planking' thing...

  12. Like
    fmartins got a reaction from Omega1234 in Royal Louis by fmartins - multi-media   
    I've never done any planking... Should I cut the strips long enough to fit the whole hull and bend them or try this 'splining' technique I read about so often?
  13. Like
    fmartins got a reaction from Omega1234 in Royal Louis by fmartins - multi-media   
    Oh... the wales would be painted black later to match of course... 
  14. Like
    fmartins got a reaction from archjofo in Royal Louis by fmartins - multi-media   
    I was trying a few strips of veneer.. I have this beautiful yellowish wood I was thinking about using.
    Here I was seeing if it would look good...

    And the color kinda matches to color on the Parisian model...

    What's your opinion on that?
  15. Like
    fmartins got a reaction from Omega1234 in Royal Louis by fmartins - multi-media   
    Soon I'll have to start planning for the dreaded planking phase...            ... anyone tried it at this scale? advice? please jump in no need to be shy...     
  16. Like
    fmartins got a reaction from NJQUACK in Royal Louis by fmartins - multi-media   
    Now, the same thing on the other side...

    Checking for symmetry...


    Checking again...

    Looks good...     
  17. Like
    fmartins got a reaction from Omega1234 in Royal Louis by fmartins - multi-media   
    I couldn't agree more! Having fun is the essential thing in this and in any other hobby... Take that away and what else is there?
  18. Like
    fmartins got a reaction from Omega1234 in Royal Louis by fmartins - multi-media   
    There's a ton of stuff that will be left out of scale. Without proper tools and materials there's only so much one can achieve. But since I just started this for kicks and giggles I'm kinda satisfied. If I could go back there's also a ton of stuff I'd have done differently, but that's ok. I'm having so much fun building it... I'm atually curious to see how it is going to turn out in the end... Thanks for dropping by!
  19. Like
    fmartins got a reaction from Omega1234 in Royal Louis by fmartins - multi-media   
    Oh, and I forgot.... I promised before a picture of the carriages under the deck... It will be barely visible in the end, but I know it's there... and now you guys too     

    So far so good..
  20. Like
    fmartins got a reaction from Omega1234 in Royal Louis by fmartins - multi-media   
    Well, wales glued... since the gunports are not in scale, I had to start cutting a bit. According to the plans, a few gunports cut into the wales but not so many as in my model... now I'm gonna have to live with it... living and learning...

    On my next model I'll be more careful about proportions. These bigger gunports make the boat look smaller overall instead of a larger ship as she was...
  21. Like
    fmartins got a reaction from Omega1234 in Royal Louis by fmartins - multi-media   
    After a lot of sanding I was ready to the wales on the right (starboard?) side. With balsa wood pins would be pretty much useless so I resorted to use rubber bands and some tape to set the wales in place. I used  CA glue sparingly on the bow and transom, just a bead to make sure they would hold.

  22. Like
    fmartins got a reaction from Omega1234 in Royal Louis by fmartins - multi-media   
    Thanks a lot... I've been learning a lot from it...
  23. Like
    fmartins got a reaction from Omega1234 in Royal Louis by fmartins - multi-media   
    With the hull faired, I decided (wrongly I suppose) to glue the wales... I got a bunch of pink cedar strips lying around...

    But I was afraid of not being able to curve them properly. I saw a couple bending jigs and tried the best with a plank of styrofoam, a side picture of the Royal Louis (covered in tape so it wouldn't glue to the paper) and a few ball-point pins. No need for water or steam as they are really thin.

    A redimensioned side view of the ship to see if it would fit...

    So far it looks good...
  24. Like
    fmartins got a reaction from Omega1234 in Royal Louis by fmartins - multi-media   
    As for the gratings, I tried to make them in wood, but even the smallest I could do was so off in terms of scale that even I who don't really care for scale in this size wasn't pleased.
    So, improvising as usual, i just printed the gratings....

    Some more details added

    the same for the second deck (still need to paint the stairs red like the parisian model).

    I also started building some more detail at the transom.

  25. Like
    fmartins got a reaction from Omega1234 in Royal Louis by fmartins - multi-media   
    More balsa and a few strips of scrap wood to make the arcade stuff (don't know the name     )...

    The balsa pieces also help to form the gunports.
    I totally forgot to take pictures, but I glued the gun carriages in to the their positions in the gunports (two of them may be seen from outside - more pics later...) under this second deck (      stupid me!).
    This is was a prototype for the gun carriages (the cannons themselves were not included as I thought I would break them easily - they'll be glued in the final stages of the model - if it survives...)
    First try - thick card. Not good.

    Second attempt - wood veneer (no idea what wood this is... I just bought a pile of scraps...     )

    Toothpick for the cannon...

    A second set...

    Both together...

    Ruler for size... (out of scale but still cool!)

    And my thumb for reference too...

    It'd be much easier to turn the cannons if I had a lathe or a rotary tool (I'll try to purchase one, 'cause doing all these by hand will be too time consuming and time is one of my restrictions lately).
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