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trail guy

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About trail guy

  • Birthday 07/29/1946

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  1. just enter HALF as the code
  2. Ronald305 - my latest Model Expo email has code: HALF running through midnight Friday November 20th. Order before midnight Thursday and they'll ship before the move. Otherwise it won't ship until early December. Half off everything on their website. Hope this helps Rich
  3. Check www.model-railroad-hobbyist.com You can do a search on paint removal there. A lot of previous recommendations were for 91% isopropyl alcohol. Whatever you choose - test in an inconspicuous place to see if it's going to be "plastic safe".
  4. Tung oil is generally used as a clear finish. It penetrates and builds slowly. Polymerized tung oil (eg Watco) will actually increase the wood's hardness. It is not typically used under paints or painted over. Safety note: the rags used to apply it can self combust as they will generate heat as they harden (tung oil does not dry through evaporation it hardens). I usually hang the rags outside until they are stiff (hardened) and then dispose of them. If painting, I would seal/prime/top coat. Hope this helps.
  5. On your wooden turnings, once you have the shape/stain where you want it, then use pen turning polishes to shine it up. I have put some killer shines on turned wooden pens with Penn State Industries' supplies: pennstateind.com Also look at their pen turning blanks for possible uses. Thinking outside the box - look at the Volcanic Ash Black Lava as a possibility. Hope this helps...
  6. Was a board/paper draftsman/designer pre-ACAD. Left that short career for 23+ years in USAF electronics. When I started using my own PC for drafting I migrated through floppy discs of ACAD Lite and Generic CAD (yes, that's its real name and was a great program, too). Finally found TurboCad and I still have it. Left Windows based version 10 for Mac OS based version. Be advised-they are very different but, nonetheless,I still would recommend the software. It's fairly intuitive which is good because I can come back to it after months of non-use and not have to navigate the learning curve hill again. Great bang for the buck. Rich
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