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About Shura

  • Birthday 04/01/1970

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  1. I know answer on my question. Thank you to all who answer and help me.
  2. Thank you, Frankie. It's really good clip and something was new for me. But this foremast. My question - it mainmast.
  3. I thing 16 meters much more for cutter "Lady Nelson", but normal for brig "Lady Nelson".
  4. Sorry, but nothing new. How the rope is fixed in top and in a bottom? Knot or eyebolt? Or on another?
  5. Thank you for history, but... But how about my question? How connect top and bottom ends rope?
  6. Yes, but only 4-5 top hoops are sewn to a sail. The other are connected by a rope. About this rope and question.
  7. How and where this rope is fixed? I showed this rope red shooters. Thank you. P.S. If it is possible - in pictures.
  8. Yes, we Russians have the company which make wooden kits. At present on sale of 3 boats, the bot and brigantine "Phoenix". There are all Russian ships. Site of the producer: http://master-korabel.ru/index.php?act=subsec&id=64. Photo instruction of collecting of a brgantine "Phoenix": http://master-korabel.ru/manuals/mk0401_ph_instr.pdf
  9. I have bought this book on Amazon. And when I was necessary information on sloop Gerrett, I have found the cut sheet. This sheet consists of 21-22 pages. You can see this on photo. Can anybody help me and do scan these pages? I want to restore the book. Book is: "The History of American Sailing Ships" By Howard I. Chapelle. Thank you. Alex.
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