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Hi folks, does anyone know if you can get the parts list on the Corel model Wasa in English?? I have built the La Cournne and it also had the parts list in Italian. Have not found a link for Corel itself to ask.. It would make things easier to identify.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Les here. Here's what I did with my Mamoli H.M.S. Beagle. Go to Google and type in Italian to English translation. You just type in the Italian word you need translated and 90% of the time voila. My next piece of advice is to purchase Ship Modeling Simplified by Frank Mastini. I can't emphasize how good this book is for beginners or those still cutting their teeth on this hobby. In the back it has a great glossary of Italian translations, really great stuff. ISBN 0071558675. Call McGraw - Hill 1-800-262-4729.

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