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Ahoy Mates


This is my "epic model" starting with the Caldercraft Jotika 1/80 Mary Rose 1545 kit. Using it as a starting point and under 4 years of off and on work and scratch building 90% of the final model.With a Mary Rose library section now on the shelves  here at home.

The kit was not epic for sure.

I have yet to see an "EPIC KIT" as what I would call it. My standard would be:

Good planking wood in the kit-boxwood,swiss pear,cherry. Not the standard crap that's in all kits now being sold up to now. Sorry,but true. Have wide enough strips for spieling of planks on the hull. Not just narrow ones that have to be bent and twisted like a pretzel for the hull shape.

If not,just make a "short kit" in planking where the buyer buys his own planking wood,with a kit price reduced for not including this wood. Goes for deck planking also.

PE parts that are of the quality that can now be made-more than just the flat shape with maybe just rivets details-PE like what is made for other modeling areas-3d cutting with multi level etched details,and brass that is thicker to scale and not of soft hardness.

Up to date scale details- either resin cast or CNC made and 3d printed for carved details,or more than the cast brass blobs that kits have had for the past 50 years now.

Or investment cast brass parts-stay away from white metal.

NO High density MDF-use multi high quality plywood for frames and non showing keels,with boxwood or other hardwood for keel that shows. If MDF is proving to be great-Please show me how and why it is!

Laser cut details like what Syren does now.


For me no small scale models-1/64 or 1/72-must be 1/48.

I have not seen the kits from Croatia yet,but they look great and are much closer to what could be an "Epic KIT"

I am just tried of seeing other areas of modeling advance in using new ways to make kits and increase the quality and details ,and not in wooden ship models except for Syren and Chucks detail kits and "short kits".


Sorry if I have been too blunt and opinionated  IMHO.





  • 8 months later...

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