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I am building a Billings Victory.

There does not seem to be any reference to the wales in the instructions and no extra material to detail them.

I would like to include them in my build. I have the John McKay Victory book which shows the wales, but.


My question is,

are there any simplified drawings of side elevation showing the positions?

(Google searches including wales are not helpful!) :(


Hi Seren,can't help you with drawings but if you google HMS Victory the second item is 100's of photographs of her. You should be able to get a good idea of where the wale positions are from them. Surprised there's no info on the plan,nor any material provided for them.  Hope this may be of some help to you.


Dave :dancetl6:



You are right in wanting to include the wales, because they are essential to the appearance of the model.

I attach a photo of the side elevation from Alan McGowan's book.  The photo is very distorted because of the curvature of the pages, but the positions of the wales is still pretty clear.  I have tinted them to help.

Note that, if you want to be really accurate, the lower wale uses anchor stock planking.





Past Builds:
Diorama, Washington & Philadelphia - 1776.  1:144 scale scratch build

Sir Edward Hawke - Schooner, 1776.  1:72 scale scratch build from H Hahn plans

Matthew - 1497.  1:25 scale scratch build from Colin Mudie plans

Mediterranean Cog - 1343.  1:40 scale scratch build from Xavier Pastor plans

Nonsuch - 1650.  1:32 scale Aeropiccola kit

Caustic - gunboat, 1776 . 1:36 scale scratch build

Member of the Nautical Research Guild



Another (distorted) photo from McGowan's book.  Note that there is another wale supporting the channels.




Past Builds:
Diorama, Washington & Philadelphia - 1776.  1:144 scale scratch build

Sir Edward Hawke - Schooner, 1776.  1:72 scale scratch build from H Hahn plans

Matthew - 1497.  1:25 scale scratch build from Colin Mudie plans

Mediterranean Cog - 1343.  1:40 scale scratch build from Xavier Pastor plans

Nonsuch - 1650.  1:32 scale Aeropiccola kit

Caustic - gunboat, 1776 . 1:36 scale scratch build

Member of the Nautical Research Guild

  • 7 years later...
On 12/17/2017 at 3:28 PM, John Garnish said:


You are right in wanting to include the wales, because they are essential to the appearance of the model.

I attach a photo of the side elevation from Alan McGowan's book.  The photo is very distorted because of the curvature of the pages, but the positions of the wales is still pretty clear.  I have tinted them to help.

Note that, if you want to be really accurate, the lower wale uses anchor stock planking.



I rejected Billings model for that reason. I'm now building Jotika's  model & am doing the lower (main) wale in anchor stock, which I'm producing on my MF70 mill.


The drawings in Longridge's The Anatomy of Nelson's Ships shows them.  The Longridge fold out between pages 36 and 37 are a very close match to the  plan ZAZ0121 at RMG that is stated to have been made after 1705 even though it supposed to be Victory 1765. 



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