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Ships of the Line and Frigates in the French Navy - post war observations

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Another find: Observations on the Dimensions of the Ships of the Line and Frigates in the French Navy - published 1830


Observations on the dimensions of the ships of the line and frigates in the French navy -.pdf




A model shipwright and an amateur historian are heads & tails of the same coin

current builds:

HMS Berwick 1775, 1/192 scratchbuild; a Slade 74 in the Navy Board style

Mediator sloop, 1/48 - an 18th century transport scratchbuild 

French longboat - CAF - 1/48, on hold


That is a very interesting document. Thanks for sharing! The text is very technical and wonky. Sadly for history, none of those ships described ever saw major action, it being the start of the era known as Pax Brittania. I wonder who the author's audience was for something so specialized?

1 hour ago, uss frolick said:

I wonder who the author's audience was for something so specialized?

The document posted is a translation of a French report written by Jean Marguerite Tupinier, Deputy Director of Naval Construction for the French navy and (possibly) later the Director.




A model shipwright and an amateur historian are heads & tails of the same coin

current builds:

HMS Berwick 1775, 1/192 scratchbuild; a Slade 74 in the Navy Board style

Mediator sloop, 1/48 - an 18th century transport scratchbuild 

French longboat - CAF - 1/48, on hold


Mssr. Tupinier led a rather interesting career based on his decidedly sparse wikipedia biography.  Not speaking French I am unable to pursue the thread into the rabbit hole to see what the details are.  They note that he was acting Minister of the Navy  in 1834 an Minister of the Navy in the Transitional French cabinet of 1839.  He also has several other naval publications in French available via web search (some in full text, some title page only).  The subject book posted by bruce was originally published in 1822.




Neither should a ship rely on one small anchor, nor should life rest on a single hope.

5 hours ago, trippwj said:

... Tupinier led a rather interesting career ...

There is a lot about him in French sources which I cannot read, but he seems to have been respected by British contemporaries. The attached PDF is typical of how he pops up as a quoted source in British writing. See pages 42, 238, 308 and 322.



The-Ports-Arsenals-And-Dockyards-Of-France - 1841.pdf




A model shipwright and an amateur historian are heads & tails of the same coin

current builds:

HMS Berwick 1775, 1/192 scratchbuild; a Slade 74 in the Navy Board style

Mediator sloop, 1/48 - an 18th century transport scratchbuild 

French longboat - CAF - 1/48, on hold

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