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Is there a way to post some text then upload a pic then some text then a pic etc etc?  All I seem to be able to do is write my text and any pics I've uploaded are all at the bottom of the page.  I'm uploading direct from my Samsung Galaxy android phone


Thanks,  Gerry


Hello Gerry,

You are not the first to scratch your head over this but in fact it is easy when you know the trick.

Upload your photos. They will be in a box at the bottom of the page you are writing. Enter your text and then place the cursor where you want the first picture. Godown to the uploaded pics and click on the '+' button within the image you want to insert: it will appear where you left the cursor.

Repeat for each image. I find it looks better if you put a couple of lines of space below your text when placing the cursor but try it and see what suits you.






A model shipwright and an amateur historian are heads & tails of the same coin

current builds:

HMS Berwick 1775, 1/192 scratchbuild; a Slade 74 in the Navy Board style

Mediator sloop, 1/48 - an 18th century transport scratchbuild 

French longboat - CAF - 1/48, on hold


If you do not have the correct number of blank lines between the text and the image some of the text may appear beside the image. The text may be shoved off screen to the right, or some text may appear to the left of the picture and shove the picture off screen to the right.


You can click on a photo after you have placed it in line with the text and change the size of the picture (be sure to maintain the horizontal/vertical ratio) and the position left/right. With a little patience you can get text to flow around the image. You can also place two images side by side, one justified left and the other unjustified - it will fit beside the first image. But it can be a little tricky getting the images to line up perfectly. After the image has been placed you can drag it up/down to reposition it. This takes some practice to get the hang of it. If an image disappears after you try to drag it, USE THE UNDO ARROW at the left of the tool bar to put it back where it started so you can try again.


However, don't try to get too fancy. It takes some trial and error to get what you want. But don't forget that different machines have different screen widths (pixels) and what you see on your screen may not be what others see. Formatting text and images can be very frustrating! The markup languages used to generate screen images on the Internet are extremely primitive, only slightly more advanced than Cro-Magnons scratching images on rock walls with stones.



Current build: USS Cape MSI-2

Current build: Albatros topsail schooner

Previous build: USS Oklahoma City CLG-5 CAD model


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