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Hello everyone,


This is my first build and I have never built any wood models before. I had a few issues so far and after looking all over the forums, I couldn't find any answers to the issues I had. So I decided, the best thing to do is document it and maybe some of you experts can lend a hand.


Here are some of the issues and challenges I had so far.


1- The kit is the newer version of the kit from Artesenia Latina. It only came with a CD which kind of sucked since my new laptop doesn't have a CD drive. I had to borrow someones laptop from the 1800s and transfer the PDFs to a USB stick, then back onto my computer.




2- I tried to line up the pieces 1-15 as straight as I could without a square. Some of them are NOT flush with the top so I had to lift and hold them in place so they'd be flush with the false keel. See below. I ended up putting a piece of wood underneath it to make it fit with the rest.




3- Deck planking went well but the instructions said to dye the walnut pieces on the edge of the deck. It didn't specify a color. I used minwax cherry stain. Now, the instructions should really ell you to dye these pieces before you glue them because, even though I taped off the outside, some stain went under the tape and stained the white planks. I am wondering if I should strip and re-stain. I used a pencil to score both sides of the planks to give it the caulking look. I used only a few pins instead of 30-40 since I realized the AC glue I have is insanely strong and literally dries the moment i put two pieces together. This is good but also bad because you can't shift once you make contact. I'm going back and forth using the AC glue and wood glue depending on the risk factor.




Finished sanded deck below. Everything going great so far.




And than, the dye/stain screwed up the deck. Theres tiny blotches of cherry stain on the pine deck. See below





4- This was so far the biggest mistake I made, I used AC glue to glue the top part after painting the inside ivory. Unfortunately, it lifted up the ivory paint and spread it on to the stained walnut pieces. :( After all the work getting the planks to fit so tight, the finish is kind of amateur looking but than again, I am an amateur. Just my OCD is not letting it go.






Now, onto planking the hull. The instructions are a bit weird. It says the bottom of the keel should be 3mm at the end when it's planked which would mean I have to sand it down to half the thickness which is a bit scary to me. Any advice? I started from the top and I am working my way to the bottom. I am not sure how I'm supposed to achieve a smooth curve all the way to the bottom since the bottom of the keel is currently square. Also I noticed, instructions said once I put the 2 planks past bulwark 12, it would be flush with the big side pieces. Well, it wasn't. I have a triangular hole. I'm hoping wood fill will fix it or should i cut a small piece of wood to fill the hole?










Thanks Greer,


I might give it a quick fine sand and put 2 more coats of tung on it and hope it fixes the problem.


It was rainy out there today so I figured, I'd finish the hull. I put a coat of LePage fine wood-filler and I will get to sanding tomorrow. I'm not sure how thin the bottom s supposed to be. I'm going to play it by ear at this point. I need to order an airbrush and some paints. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I don't have a compressor or much space for a giant one. Do they have mini hobby compressors? Any suggestions re airbrush/compressor and paints?



  • 1 year later...


Does anyone know where I could get the printed instructions for the HMS Bounty 1/48 Artesenia Latina? My 74 father can not use cds and we got neither printed with the model kit. Can contact me at.       orion_7thstar@hotmail.com

Thank you



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