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Duchess of Kingston 1778 by airdataman - Vanguard Models - 1:64

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I received my Duchess of Kingston kit a couple of weeks ago and since then I have been building it with help from Glenn Shelton's excellent and very detailed build log in conjunction with the fantastic manual that came with the kit. 


I am currently at the stage of just completing the second planking.


I am afraid that I have spent most of the time actually building the model and didn't think to take many photographs during the build. However, here are a few taken after completion of the first planking.


The only issues that I had with this section of the build were due to my own clumsiness where I managed to break off the delicate figure head mount on the bow and break a couple of the temporary cross beams. Otherwise all looked good.


The technique that I used to smooth the planks was possibly unusual and may be of interest: I used a Stanley Knife blade as a scraper to remove the bulk of the material, which left the planks very smooth whilst not generating the large amount of fine dust normally associated with sanding.  I only needed to use a fine grade sandpaper to give the final finish. 


I will post some relating to the next stages later together with some comments on a issue that I encountered with the second planking (my fault) soon.  






Current Builds:

HMS Victory - Caldercraft

HMY Chatham - Caldercraft

Royal Yacht Duchess of Kingston 1778 - Vanguard Models


Build in Waiting:

Mary Rose - Caldercraft







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