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I'm looking at Kevin Kenny's and Don Vadas' (post #9) build-a-longs. Don mentions that this could be the most difficult piece to make in the whole boat. Am I correct that the rebates are carved into the side of the apron? Would it be considered bad form to saw the rebates into a thin piece of wood and then glue those pieces to the side of the apron? Sorry if I have the terminology wrong

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You are indeed correct that the apron is extremely difficult to make, Don! Took me several tries to get it right. As the width of the lower apron tapers from 18" to 10" over it's length your strategy might be difficult to employ but perhaps is doable. You would first need to make the lower apron to the correct dimension (12" tapering to 10" aft - chapter 1.19 in TFFM). Then you would need to add the 3" stepped line to either side and taper it to fay into the apron at the bottom. No matter how you do it check and double check that the steps line up on either side of the lower apron both horizontally and vertically. I found it much easier to do this with my Sherline mill but others have successfully done this with just a sharp chisel. Care, deliberation and patience is required here! Oh, and the stern deadwood stepping lines is no cakewalk either but should be easier after after completing the apron.


Have you started a build log?


Admiralty Models

moderator Echo Cross-section build
Admiralty Models Cross-section Build

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Pegasus, 1776, cross-section

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I may try to make one with just random dimensions just to see how it looks. The reason I asked is that Don Vadas' actually looked like it was three pieces at first glance and then I realized that it was carved out of one piece. He was a talented man.

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The Fully Framed Model by David Antscherl (SeaWatch Books). I can't imagine building a  Swan class without having the book as a reference or the Swan 3D virtual build (www.admiraltymodels.com).


Admiralty Models

moderator Echo Cross-section build
Admiralty Models Cross-section Build

Finished build
Pegasus, 1776, cross-section

Current build
Speedwell, 1752

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