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RMS Titanic by Keith B - parts work - RESTORATION

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Just bought this off a chap who had this up in his loft for the past 4 years.He admitted that model-making wasn't for him!

It's the "Build the Titanic"magazine collection. Nearly complete collection,except for issues 93-100.I hope I can get hold of them over the coming months.

Most of the planks are falling off or broken.Don't know what glue he used but it didn't work very well!

Have stripped off the one side,and am just waiting for my order of new ones.

Can't strip the other side off yet,as I have to make a template off it to drill the portholes,etc.

Wish me luck!!








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Hello David,

The trouble is-the ones on e-bay aren't the ones I need! I'll keep looking though,as it will take me some time to get to when I need them.

I've built plastic models of this ship before,but have always wanted to tackle this wooden version.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Keith,


I too wish you well with your Titanic build. Intend to follow as you move along. Look likes you are off to a good start.



Hopeful aka David


"There is wisdom in many voices".

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