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Norwegian Sailing Pram by Zack Soderquist - Model Shipways - Scale 1:12

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Step 36 Metal fittings: eyebolt in the bow. 


This was pretty straight forward too but the eyebolt went flying and I couldn't find it so I requested a replacement from Model Expo. The part was free but they charged me $5 for shipping on a part they could put in an envelope and throw a stamp on it. Oh.. and then the next day, I found the dang eyebolt. Go figure.


I am using CA glue to attach the brass to the boat. Even with a applicator tip, it was putting out too much glue so I switched to using my little pink glue cups and a glue applicator I got from Micro Mark (I think) awhile back.


Also, I really like the Starbond Oderless Thin CA glue. 




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Step 37 stay plates


So I was not happy with the nails they provided. Way too big and didn't look right so I went back to those small nails from my abandoned Rattlesnake build.


The top nail below is the one provided with the kit. The lower one is the Rattlesnake nail. Part number for these nails is MS0940



The smaller nails looked much better



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Step 38 Rudder gudgeons. 


So I started out working with the parts while still attached. I used a reamer to widen the hold till the small nails slipped through easily. I then cut the 1/16" tubing and CA glued them to the brass straps before removing them from the part tree.





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Step 39 Pintles.


Ok.. now I officially HATE working with these stupid tiny pieces of brass and tiny brass nails that go flying everywhere. Ugg


The brass straps they provided after bending around the tubing were way too short to wrap around and secure to the rudder. My kit had an extra phote-etched sheet so I used the extra four hold straps and size wise it worked out much better. I had the extra hole but it was a concession I made.



This picture was before cleaning up and touching up the paint.


Also, I did the notches way wrong and now realized they should have been more shallow and wider to accommodate the brass strap. However, the pintles are already so close I don't know that recessing them closer to the rudder would have been a good idea. I may fill in and paint the notches. Undecided at this point.

Edited by Zack Soderquist
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