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Hi, I wanted to get back into model building and build a ship this time. My idea was to make a styrene hull.  I got some sheet stock ranging from .3 to 2.5mm and I'm aiming for about 900mm loa (I initially even considered making the hull from paper) It's super slender and vertical therefore the light material to get realistic buoyancy in the end. 2nd thought was this gauge is easier to work with lacking some machinery and considering some tight radii

I aim to create a fictional class of British scout cruiser from the early 1900's a bit like the Arethusa's but more speed oriented.  Problem is I don't have a hull plan.
Is there an easy to use method or program to sculpt the body and then extract templates for frames? With this drawing I have nothing really except the keel shape and how it should come together on the decks.HMS-Splendoria1.png

This is just an undetailed draft and not final.
But yea how would I go about doing that? I can't use CAD and certainly not to this complexity.

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Given the constraints you mention, wouldn't it be wiser to look for plans of a real ship. Then you know that everything will fit together in the end.


As you are talking about buoyancy, is this going to be a working model ? People have used styrene for say POB-construction, but that tends to become quite heavy. At 900 mm LOA, you will not have a lot of displacement available.



panta rhei - Everything is in flux



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