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Posted (edited)

Hi All,

This question relates to my build of the Mamoli, 1/96 Flying Cloud

A conundrum for me recently is the addition of 7.0mm Cleats located at various points around the circumference of the Deck. (8 per side.)


There are another set of 6 Cleats around the base of each of the Masts and two either side of the Boom, this I can understand.


Scott Bradner's' plans do not show Cleats at all, rather, Deck Rings. (I would have thought that Eyebolts would look better at this scale anyway.)


From my ruminations, I wonder if the Deck Cleats are just some "Mamoli" artistic license. (There are two "Deck" Cleats I can see sense in, these are on the Inboard, top of the Catheads.)


Bitts and Fairleads, (Deck/Main Rail) are straightforward and I have no issue with these.


If someone could please advise me further, it would be very much appreciated.



Edited by hof00

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  • Solution
Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Jim Lad said:

Not sure about American ship building practice Hof, but in European practice there wouldn't be any cleats to secure the rigging.



Thanks Jim,

I think that Mamoli may have used some "Artistic" license.


I'll go with the "No Cleat" solution and use Eyebolts in thier place unless someone comes back to the contrary.... 🙂 (Much more in scale.)


Kind Regards,



Edited by hof00

Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

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A/L Pen Duick

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Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson


On all the American ship plans I have seen lines with tackles were belayed to eyebolts on deck (near bulkheads or around the base of masts) and the falls were belayed to belaying pins on pin rails on the bulwarks, fife rails around the bases of masts, or to cleats on bulwarks or other places. There are a few other options, but the load bearing parts usually belay to eye bolts.



Current build: USS Cape MSI-2

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5 hours ago, Dr PR said:

On all the American ship plans I have seen lines with tackles were belayed to eyebolts on deck (near bulkheads or around the base of masts) and the falls were belayed to belaying pins on pin rails on the bulwarks, fife rails around the bases of masts, or to cleats on bulwarks or other places. There are a few other options, but the load bearing parts usually belay to eye bolts.

Thank you Gr.PR,

Much appreciated!!


Kind Regards,



Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson


I am confused by the wording now: tackles usually 'hook' to eyebolts, but their runners are then belayed to pins or cleats. Cleats are for belaying, not for making fast tackles.





panta rhei - Everything is in flux



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1 hour ago, wmherbert said:

I am confused too. Lines are never tied off to an eyebolt.  There would be a block attached to the eye bolt and then the line through it would be tied off to a cleat or pin.

Not quite.


In running rigging, the static end of a line (to use a non-nautical term but one that perhaps avoids potential for confusion) typically has a hard eye (meaning that there is a metal thimble in the eye) spliced in. That is fastened (by hook, shackle, clevis pin or bolt) to either the thing being pulled (if the pull is direct, as with a buntline for example), to the becket on a block (if the line forms a three-part or more-powerful tackle) or else to an eye bolt -- typically one in the deck but sometimes elsewhere. I'd agree that, at full-size rather than scale, that end of a line is "never" tied to the eyebolt (jury rigging excepted) but it's the tying not the eyebolt that is never done.


I'll also agree that the working end of the line is never tied to an eyebolt. But it's never exactly tied to anything. After being rove through a turning block, if necessary to allow a good pull, the working end is belayed to a belaying point -- pin, timber head, horn cleat, kevel or whatever. The important things are that the belaying point should allow for the line to be tightened as it is belayed, while not causing undue wear on the line, and that the belay should hold securely, yet be swiftly freed when needed. The classic figure-of-eight turns around a belaying pin meet those objectives, though they rely on a delicate balance of friction: Too much and the line will get worn, while you won't be able to sweat it up, too little (as with modern Kevlar and similar rope) and the line will slip.


Not something we need be concerned about with models but, at full-size, there's a detail that the textbooks rarely bother to mention:


Ten men haul on a line until mate or bo's'un calls "Belay!" Then they can rest their weight on the line, holding the tension. But how to transfer the line to its pin, without the line running back through the blocks? Turns out that (with the high friction of hemp or manilla rope), one man's hands can hold the parts of the tackle together firmly enough that they won't run across one another. The next command is something like: "Come up!", which tells the men on the line to take a step forward. If the friction fails and the line slips, they can throw their weight back onto the line. If not, most drop it while the man nearest to the block swiftly belays the line. 


I wondered about that for years, before seeing it done.




I gather, learning to sail helps ... in many cases you the business end partly around a cleat, pin or spill head, because the friction helps you to control the line and takes out jerks.


There is also a difference between 'belaying' and 'fastening'. Belaying end always refers to the business end of a line, the one that is handled. The other end is 'made fast', e.g. with a shackle through a spliced eye to an eye-bolt.



panta rhei - Everything is in flux



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Thanks Gentlemen,

Interesting dissertation....


But.... Do American Built Clippers, circa 1851, make use of Cleats? (Deck/Mast)

(If a Yacht, the answer would be yes.)


Cheers and Regards,



Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson

1 hour ago, hof00 said:

Do American Built Clippers, circa 1851, make use of Cleats? (Deck/Mast)

Looks like the answer is "sometimes".


Crothers ("The American-Built Clipper Ship 1850-1856", published 1996, p.484) said:


"the belaying points --sometimes as belaying pins, sometimes as cleats-- followed a loosely similar pattern"


He meant "similar" among the various ships.


Crothers had done a vast amount of research but he was not as careful as he could have been about citing evidence, so I do not know where he got his information about the use of cleats for belaying lines. Also, his use of terminology was a bit off sometimes, which does not inspire confidence in his interpretations of documentary sources. For example, he mentioned what he called "cavils" (my "kevels", which I think is the English spelling, though I ought to check), which he describes as "large, wooden cleats" used for "mooring lines" (when "mooring" involved lying to two anchors, a quite different process from "tying up" alongside!). Functionally, a cavil/kevel does serve as a giant alternative to a horned cleat but it is only a "cleat" in the sense employed by ignorant yachtsmen, who use the term for any belaying point (including cam cleats, clam cleats and any number of later do-dads). American clippers had "cleats", so called, on every yardarm, to stop the rigging sliding inboard along the yard, but those were not horned cleats and they weren't belaying points. So it is easy to get confused and I can't be certain that Crothers wasn't.


Still, if you use some cleats for belaying lines on a model clipper, you could cite good authority!


Without detracting from that, I'd advise keeping horned cleats for the lighter lines. Ensign halliard, for sure, but not the topsail halliards! It is almost impossible to make a horned cleat without some part of the strain coming into line with the grain, where wood is weak. Belaying pins and cavils/kevels avoid that by employing two or more pieces of wood, with their grain perpendicular. Light lines bearing light loads are OK with wood cleats and they are fine for small boats. The large ropes and heavy strains on a sailing ship demand something tougher -- including the iron cleats on mast bands seen on later ships.


And, as you started this thread asking about cleats around the deck, I'd say a definite "no" to any belaying point set at the feet of the crew. Nobody wants to be down on his hands and knees when belaying a line.  Nor do you want the coil of surplus line where it would be walked on, kicked around and washed about by seas breaking aboard. Come to that, wet rope is a bad thing to have on deck planks, while water on deck is a worse thing to sit natural-fibre rope in. So a line may be rove through a turning block hooked to an eyebolt in the deck, and hauled from there, but the belaying point will be roughly at waist level for the crew.


[Hardly a concern for models but I have known lines faked out on decks. The only ship with deep topsails I have ever sailed aboard, "Rose" (later of "Master & Commander" fame), had such long topsail halliards that they had to be coiled from the free end towards the belaying point, which meant figure-of-eight fakes (that looked like two coils side-by-side) if tangles were to be avoided. Also, the captain of "Stad Amsterdam" liked to have his mainsheet free to run in an emergency. It was faked along the deck, fore-and-aft by the lee bulwark. Got into bit of a mess when she dipped her scuppers under but nothing serious. Would have been impossible in a deep-laden cargo carrier, with her main deck awash much of the time.]



On 2/24/2025 at 1:25 PM, Kenchington said:

Looks like the answer is "sometimes".


Crothers ("The American-Built Clipper Ship 1850-1856", published 1996, p.484) said:


"the belaying points --sometimes as belaying pins, sometimes as cleats-- followed a loosely similar pattern"


He meant "similar" among the various ships.


Crothers had done a vast amount of research but he was not as careful as he could have been about citing evidence, so I do not know where he got his information about the use of cleats for belaying lines. Also, his use of terminology was a bit off sometimes, which does not inspire confidence in his interpretations of documentary sources. For example, he mentioned what he called "cavils" (my "kevels", which I think is the English spelling, though I ought to check), which he describes as "large, wooden cleats" used for "mooring lines" (when "mooring" involved lying to two anchors, a quite different process from "tying up" alongside!). Functionally, a cavil/kevel does serve as a giant alternative to a horned cleat but it is only a "cleat" in the sense employed by ignorant yachtsmen, who use the term for any belaying point (including cam cleats, clam cleats and any number of later do-dads). American clippers had "cleats", so called, on every yardarm, to stop the rigging sliding inboard along the yard, but those were not horned cleats and they weren't belaying points. So it is easy to get confused and I can't be certain that Crothers wasn't.


Still, if you use some cleats for belaying lines on a model clipper, you could cite good authority!


Without detracting from that, I'd advise keeping horned cleats for the lighter lines. Ensign halliard, for sure, but not the topsail halliards! It is almost impossible to make a horned cleat without some part of the strain coming into line with the grain, where wood is weak. Belaying pins and cavils/kevels avoid that by employing two or more pieces of wood, with their grain perpendicular. Light lines bearing light loads are OK with wood cleats and they are fine for small boats. The large ropes and heavy strains on a sailing ship demand something tougher -- including the iron cleats on mast bands seen on later ships.


And, as you started this thread asking about cleats around the deck, I'd say a definite "no" to any belaying point set at the feet of the crew. Nobody wants to be down on his hands and knees when belaying a line.  Nor do you want the coil of surplus line where it would be walked on, kicked around and washed about by seas breaking aboard. Come to that, wet rope is a bad thing to have on deck planks, while water on deck is a worse thing to sit natural-fibre rope in. So a line may be rove through a turning block hooked to an eyebolt in the deck, and hauled from there, but the belaying point will be roughly at waist level for the crew.


[Hardly a concern for models but I have known lines faked out on decks. The only ship with deep topsails I have ever sailed aboard, "Rose" (later of "Master & Commander" fame), had such long topsail halliards that they had to be coiled from the free end towards the belaying point, which meant figure-of-eight fakes (that looked like two coils side-by-side) if tangles were to be avoided. Also, the captain of "Stad Amsterdam" liked to have his mainsheet free to run in an emergency. It was faked along the deck, fore-and-aft by the lee bulwark. Got into bit of a mess when she dipped her scuppers under but nothing serious. Would have been impossible in a deep-laden cargo carrier, with her main deck awash much of the time.]



Hi Trevor,

Many thanks for your considered information, much appreciated!!


I do have the Corrothers book but missed the info that you mentioned, I found the publication more aligned to actual Hull construction than anything else.


I have included Cavils on my build, they are in Scott Bradner's plans but not the Kit.

Thanks also confirming no belaying lines around the feet of the crew.


(I actually do not like the Cleats anyway, I reckon they are much too large at 7.0mm, that would make them 600mm (Or something like that) actual size.)


I have also already placed two on either side of the Boom, these look o.k., and I more or less get their function.


So, now back to the puzzle, next stage for me is Hull/Deck Eyebolts and associated Blocks. (This will take some time comparing plans, Mr. Bradner Vs "Mamoli."


All good stuff!!🙂


Kind Regards,




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A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson


The size of cleats need to be adapted to the size of line to be belayed on them. Even on small boats the cleats for sheets can be anything between 500 mm and 700 mm long. The ones that double also as cleats for mooring lines may span two bulwark stanchions.



panta rhei - Everything is in flux



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23 hours ago, wefalck said:

The size of cleats need to be adapted to the size of line to be belayed on them. Even on small boats the cleats for sheets can be anything between 500 mm and 700 mm long. The ones that double also as cleats for mooring lines may span two bulwark stanchions.

Hi Wefaick,

All good information!!


Many Thanks.




Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson

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