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Thanks for the quick reply and help Patrick. Like you I like the ship but it is a tough one to learn on.

I am only half a club member - so far I have only broken the one side!!



David thanks very much for your input and especially the pictures, they really help alot. I will properly take you up on the picture offer in the future for there are times when a picture is worth a thousand words.


  • 1 month later...

I would like to request some help from other jotika victory builders.


 I received my new hull parts and I am trying to square up the keel, bulkheads and middle gun deck.


None of the measurements off the plans seem to fit, for example the keel is 8mm short and if you measure from the bottom of the keel to the top of bulkhead #1 then the bowsprit hole does not line up.


I feel silly asking but can someone tell me how they were able to square their model up?













Hi Eric,


Just catching up on your log and have to say I'm a bit confused.  When you posted last in November you had completed the first planking and were working on the stern facia.  In your latest post you mention receiving new hull parts and it looks like you're back to working on fitting the keel and bulkheads.  What happened?  Did I miss something?




Patrick and Muggebigge, thanks for checking my log. I apologize for I should have been more explicit and updated my log to explain what has taken place.

I could not get the stern facia to fit properly and then I discovered that a couple of the bulkheads were not fitted correctly. They were set at a different height then the others. Consequently, the upper decks would be slightly off and the gunport patterns were slightly off.  My mistakes were causing a snowball effect that was becoming too frustrating to deal with. The hull might have been fixable but it would always bother me. So I made the executive decision to purchase new hull parts and do it again.  It took 2 ½ months to get the parts from Jokita.

This time I am asking for advice on how to square up the bulkheads for none of the measurements on the plans for the bulkheads match the actual model. For example the keel is 8mm shorter than the plans and the bulkhead height from the bottom of the keel to the top of the bulkheads is less than the plans.

 If you set bulkhead #1 in place it sits slightly higher than the keel. Is this correct? When I lay a straight piece of material between bulkheads #5 and #1, bulkheads 2, 3 and 4 are all short and have to be raised. I am assuming that the height of bulkheads 1 and 5 are correct. I am also assuming that the upper gundeck only sits on the bulkheads not he keel.

I can’t figure out an accurate reference point to square the parts of the hull. Not sure what I am missing or not understanding. That’s why I am now asking for some advice.




One thing you might consider...If you acquire McKay's drawings, you can copy the relevant sections on a photocopier and blow up to the correct scale.  For example, I believe to go from his 1/190th scale to 1/90 you do a magnification of like 242% or something like that.  Anyways, the math could be pretty easily calculated for the 1/78 scale of the Jotika.  From there you will have an extremely accurate set of 1:1 drawings to make patterns off of, etc...


After a long day and a sleepless night I believe that I have resolved my issue of squaring up the hull. I am now happily on my way to an enjoyable build.


Thanks EinsteinTaylor for the thought but I should be okay now.




Hello Eric

Hope all is well. Hope your squaring up of the bulkhead problem is being resolved. Here's one of the ways I squared mine up, which was excellent for the slotted joints. I bought them at the local DIY store. I also used Lego blocks. Best of luck. Regards . DAVID


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