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Without trying to sound too rude the ship could do with some sanding and a second layer of planking. 


I'd take off the false guns on the side, cover it with some wood filler and then give it a nice big sand, firstly with a thicker grained sandpaper, then finishing with a thinner grain sandpaper.


Then apply the second layer of planking (which should be a hard wood of some sort).

Kits owned: Mamoli Royal Louis, Mamoli Friesland, Mamoli HMS Victory 1:90, Occre Santisima Trinidad, Constructo HMS Prince


the model kit came with one layer of planking, the planks are balsa not sure how they would take to sanding, might be a risky venture perhaps? deciding on the stain to colour the hull with at the moment it may be western cedar.


hi Brian,

           Im located in Queanbeyan next to Canberra. I would have to order quite a few planks to give it a second layer of planking.




not sure if 80 strips of walnut would be enough the model is around 1 meter long, not sure if the

strips they sell are 1 meters long so may need to use one or more strips to cover the length of the

hull, have to consider whether to order the strips or go for a stain which wouldn't be as good a finish.


thanks for the help Brian, I have built around 8 wooden ship models already except this is the largest by far being a meter long. Not sure where to store it afterwards I have given away 3 model ships already. Will consider what to do with the Norske love with planking the second layer on the hull. Just there is the hassle of removing the gun ports attached to the hull, decorations at the stern and the bow.


will have to think about it have already ordered over 70 dollars worth of fittings for it already such as ladders, gratings, capstan, chain plates, hinges for the rudder.


Hi Brian, not sure about sanding the hull since its balsa might be a bit fragile, will try filling some of the gaps with filler need to match the colour of the hull. The deck planking is using some planking matts i had left over from another model so they shouldnt need sanding.



yes I think it does Is that a squarish plank that runs around the base of the hull, I have some planks that are squarish and long, might see about gluing some on around where the waterline mark is on the hull.


Hi Brian

             yes im filling the gaps in the planks might need to match the filler with the western cedar stain I purchased today from the hardware shop. I aiming first to stain it first. The try and obtain a filler that matches it colour wise.




stained the desk in areas where it wasnt coloured. stained the hull on one side have yet to stain the other side, not sure but it may need another coat of stain also it came out a little blotchy.post-7709-0-13783300-1383378072_thumb.jpg








Shouldn't the gunports be staggered like in the plans?

Kits owned: Mamoli Royal Louis, Mamoli Friesland, Mamoli HMS Victory 1:90, Occre Santisima Trinidad, Constructo HMS Prince


They should be, well was exercising some creative licence when i glued them onto the hull. Was using the plans as a rough guide and just assumed the gun ports were parallel rather than staggered as you have mentioned.


I hope you don't mind me saying this Ray but i think you are trying to build her too fast ! these type of builds normally take 100s if not 1000s of hours to finish.......slow down a bit you will make a better job of it........it's not a race!.





Thanks Jack, already spent quite a few hours on it already, just trying to get the hull into a more near finished state.




Good job on tackling this kit, it is a bugger and I have seen many that were never finished, we are glad you are enjoying the build and sharing with us your work.  You are an the prime example that we are here to build and have fun sharing each others work.





Current Builds:  Revell 1:96 Thermopylae Restoration

                           Revell 1:96 Constitution COMPLETED

                           Aeropiccola HMS Endeavor IN ORDINARY

Planned Builds: Scientific Sea Witch

                            Marine Models USF Essex



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