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The latest issue of the MSB journal is now available for download at http://www.modelshipbuilder.com/news.php


This month's Table of Contents:


Tidbits from the Past - Cats on Ships

Model Ships of the Royal Museum Greenwich

Shipwrecks of the World - the Steamship Beaver

To Build a Hatch

HMS General Hunter Proto-type Model—Part 3

Rijksmuseum acquires oldest known engraving of a herring buss

The Book Nook - Ship Models: How to build Them by Charles G. Davis (1925)

Badges: Heraldry of Canadian Naval Ships

Gene’s Nautical Trivia

Editor’s Page


Note the following request from the Editor - she would be greatly pleased to have folks contribute articles to the journal.


Great News! We will be starting our “One Eyed Willy” contest again in the September issue of MSB Journal. The contest will be run quarterly so we don’t exhaust the goodwill of those kind sponsors who generously donate items for us to use as prizes.


Let me again make a request or two—if you enjoy the journal, spread the word among your friends and as always, I welcome any and all ideas, comments or articles. This journal has, and always will, depend on the readers to provide content. Do you have a favorite technique you use? Have you come up with a novel use for an item? Send it in—- if I get enough I can do a regular column on ‘tips and Techniques”, otherwise I can use them to fill in space at the end of articles.


Please send your articles or ideas for articles to

Winston@modelshipbuilder.com and put “MSB Article” in the subject line.


Until next time,



Neither should a ship rely on one small anchor, nor should life rest on a single hope.

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