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  1. Nagrod , thanks ... I saw the 1st video he did and never went back to watch the rest .. will do so tonight
  2. Little slow due over the last couple of week on some PTO and trying to deal with sick kids ( how much mucus can they produce and can I use it as glue)!!!! .. So at the weekend I popped all the bulkheads out and hand fitted and broke off the stern which I hope I have fixed now .. I then proceeded to cut the rabbet and fairly sure this is right .. BUT I have an issue that Iam simply not getting and that is the fairing and beveling of the bulkheads .. I have looked online tried to find some guides and youtube .. but I dont get it ! how am I meant to know what angle and how much .. I need pictures or better still a good video if anyone knows of one on youtube ...
  3. Found the issue after another look seems that one of the joins the laser cut at an angle which was throwing it off .. Now to press on with getting this done .. Hopefully next update will be some slight progress as opposed to questions .. Thanks for the assist
  4. Cheers checked them last night and they looked okay .. Will check again
  5. Thanks for reply , ill have a look around to see what I can do about keel not lining up and then look at sanding the burn marks
  6. Hi all , So as I have a few days away from the office I decided to make a start on my Bluenose from model shipways . I'm not going to put up more pics of the actual kit as I found lots on here already . This is my first kit and I thought about buying the practicum from llc and still might if I get in to too much trouble . So to say it's a little daunting is an understatement ... I have built model aircraft a few years ago but my day job is on computer code and I'm not exactly a renowned handy man ... My wife is still waiting on some shelves to be put up a few years later .. Anyway I have unpacked and checked everything and all seems correct , I have studied some of ship modelling simplified and want to make a start on the keel so that it would be set for the weekend but already have a few questions .. So 1st off my work bench is actually my wife's craft table so if you spot a lot of weird stuff on it , that's her's So I cut out the 3 keel sections And as you can see from photo 2 the stern keel is about 1 mm out of line from the center at the bottom it's fine at the top the bow end is fine Workspace Stern & center lower join Close up I also had a question around if I should mark the reference line before gluing and any advice on doing this correctly ? Should I sand the laser burn marks off ? Sorry for what I am sure are basic questions !!!!
  7. amazing information here guys wow thank you so much for putting the time in to the replies . Have ordered the titebond
  8. Btw I'm assuming one bottle would be enough to but if you guys think I need more let me know as I have zero exp on wooden models
  9. Thanks all very much appreciate the info , will order from cw tonight and keep on reading in the intervening time ..
  10. Hi guys , Probably a real beginner question but if you could help it would be good . So living in Ireland have all the usual bnq/ woodies etc but limited in terms of specialists shops . So about to start my 1st model and looking for some advice on the glue I should get ,the kit is the model shipway bluenose 1:64 . So as I said if there was some decent glue in one of the general diy places let me know .. Thanks all and hope this is in the right forum . Dar
  11. Hi JRW , How you getting on with this ? . Just had mine delivered and looking forward to starting . Is the guide any good it's a little steep in price at the moment for me but guess in could wait a while before starting if really clear . Darragh
  12. Yep had a look at the site and will probably take out a sub once we get the kits but I'm going to get the dvd for sure a it's specific to the lady Nelson Darr
  13. looks like it will be Feb before it gets in ..so I found a copy of Ship Modelling from Kits simplified for 8 pound which is on its way now .. think I might pick up a LN for myself now when they are in stock Darr
  14. got it thanks all .. now just waiting to see when its coming in stock in the mean time Ill try find links to build logs etc .. Cheers Darr
  15. ok will go for Lady Nelson just waiting to hear when its will be in stock from CMB or I could probably get it on line anyways .. but I like Cornwall ( having lived there for a few years ) here is the DVD : http://www.modelshipyard.com.au/product.asp?id=2105&pid=293 He should have most tools but think I will get the basic pack to from CMB to ensure he has enough to get started . Thanks again and Ill be sure to get him online here when I get it ( and now will probably get something for myself .. if the kids ever let me get 5 min to myself) Oh and should I get him one of these ? http://www.cornwallmodelboats.co.uk/acatalog/amati_7382.html
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