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Don Quixote

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Posts posted by Don Quixote

  1. We had to use the block at the factory I worked at years ago. For the purposes of this project it occurred to me and just now confirmed that the wood isn't even consistent in the same strip. In one spot a strip is .095, and another on the same strip is .092. Should be .09375 or 3/32" And, I just though. I need to taper a 1/8" strip to 1/16" I'm sure what I'll end up with is a tooth pick.


    Real question was, can't I make up for any discrepancies with the garboard plank? Can't I adjust the width of that?

  2. Nice. My 3rd of 4th will look a lot cleaner than this one... I keep taking the plans too literally. The diagram where they show stem/stern side beside, I measured like crazy to discover the planks that are supposed to be 1/8" wide (as per labelled) are wrong on the plans. I mean according to the text on the plans they're supposed to be 1/8", but if I take my callipers to the plan they're not. Band "B" at BHD H should be 1". 8 - 1/8" planks. I measure from the plans and it's off 3/64.


    I might be too literal. When you bore and engine out it better be 30 thousandths. 30 thousandths is 30 thousandths, is 30 thousandths. Adding a hobby. Steal and precision vs. Problem solving. No problem solving with cars. Pontiac 455. Buy an Edlebrock performance plus cam, intake manifold and 750 carb for that engine of a given year and it bolts up. Torque wrench, correct order and boom. I've had to tested. 630 H.P. Should get a good 20 gallons per mile.


  3. Thanks y'all. The callipers that were (I thought) giving me trouble, were not the digital, rather, my very old callipers I got from my dad after he passed. I went and spent $150 on the digital, and after receiving them started measuring everything in site with both callipers. Always came up with the exact same answer. NOW, WTF? They can't both be off the exact same amount, so I'm thinking I'm missing something in the design of a calliper. I even measured the distance between an inch on my big table saw. It was... An inch.


    Google told me about this phenomenon called the Vernier scale. Sounds kinda familiar now... Brandon :dancetl6:

    Years ago I worked at a factory and we always used digital callipers, and never manual. Trust me, our tolerances were sometimes 1/64" We learned to zero out every freaking time we used them.


    The 10mm mark cannot line up at the same time as the 1mm mark.

    OMG! If I had any dignity I'd be embarrassed. Seriously. 35 years ago I was a very bad boy and did 30 in the county jail. I was in what they call the single man side. One person per cell. There were 32 cells. They let 1/3 of the inmates out at a time to stretch and play cards or whatever. One day I told a guard that I was having trouble figuring out how all the inmates got out. I said:


    If cells 1 thru 10 are 10 cells, and 11 thru 21 are 10 cells, and 22 thru 32 are 10 cells than that 10 X 3 is only 30 people, but all 32 got out. How? No one could figure it out.


    I agree, no way I'm trimming anything off accurately this early in my learning curve. But I'm not going to ask for more wood. I figure the garboard plank can be adjusted... And if I have to use a little wood filler so be it. One strake starts with 8 - 1/8" planks, but the strake is only .57" at the stem. So either way I'll screw it up and rely on the garboard plank. Or did I not drink enough Scotch last night? :cheers:


    Question. (again) I know the planks have to be beveled on one side to reduce the klinking effect, but I don't recall where I saw if it's top or bottom. I've read the manual too many times and seem to skim too much now.



  5. I used these non-digital callipers to measure all the wood from the kit. When I planked around the gun ports and sweeps it looked to me like I was missing more than half of the planks I needed. Got 'em from Model-expo. Now, when preparing for the planking of the hull, I need 8 1/16"X3/32" for each side for the first strake "A". When I started measuring out the battens and verifying with the width of the planks I started having problems. Things weren't adding up. The 8 planks I needed totalled more than what the plans call for. Thinking WTF? to myself, looking over and over I noticed an oddity in the callipers I used. See I have it set to 5 mm, but look at 10 mm and it's a mm off. 10ths of inches appear to me to be off too. I bought some considerably more expensive callipers and to me it looks like what should be 1 cm is off by .137 mm. (lighting is playing trick with the shadows in the picture) But the original callipers say something about .002mm. More, WTF?


    Thing is, converting metric to inches, I get what *I* thought was 3/32" is, according to the new callipers, actually .101" or 7/64" Bottom line, I have no more 3/32"X1/16" planks, and I'm anxious to learn to plank.


    Question is, the plans call for 8 - 3/32" planks at bulkhead H, strake "A", but all I have are 7/64". Can I change the .75" strake called for in the plans in section A, to accommodate the 7/64" planks I have? Seems to me I can modify all the strakes because the 4th strake "D" has the garboard strake which is the odd man out anyway.


    I'm out to lean "how to", I don't care about authenticity. Yet.



  6. Ok all you 650,023 people that are following this log... I used these non-digital callipers to measure all the wood from the kit. When I planked around the gun ports and sweeps it looked to me like I was missing more than half of the planks I needed. Got 'em from Model-expo. Now, when preparing for the planking of the hull, I need 8 1/16"X3/32" for each side for the first strake "A". When I started measuring out the battens and verifying with the width of the planks I started having problems. Things weren't adding up. The 8 planks I needed totalled more than what the plans call for. Thinking WTF? to myself, looking over and over I noticed an oddity in the callipers I used. See I have it set to 5 mm, but look at 10 mm and it's a mm off. 10ths of inches appear to me to be off too. I bought some considerably more expensive callipers and to me it looks like what should be 1 cm is off by .137 mm. (lighting is playing trick with the shadows in the picture) But the original callipers say something about .002mm. More, WTF?


    Thing is, converting metric to inches, I get what *I* thought was 3/32" is, according to the new callipers, actually .101" or 7/64" Bottom line, I have no more 3/32"X1/16" planks, and I'm anxious to learn to plank.


    Question is, the plans call for 8 - 3/32" planks at bulkhead H, strake "A", but all I have are 7/64". Can I change the .75" strake called for in the plans in section A, to accommodate the 7/64" planks I have? Seems to me I can modify all the strakes because the 4th strake "D" has the garboard strake which is the odd man out anyway.


    I'm out to lean "how to", I don't care about authenticity. Yet.




    Does anybody else have this problem? It sure makes building tougher


    Yes, but mine trips me when I'm cooking. I think it's something that's taught as a puppy through the teat. On mine is black in the few places she's not grey. Click here and select "more" to see some funny dog stuff. Seriously entertaining.


    Nice job. Why is everyones model so clean looking. Mines not.

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