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Don Quixote

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Posts posted by Don Quixote


    I'm looking to switch over Linux in the next year

    I like Linux Mint mate. It's actually Ubuntu with a usable interface. VERY easy to install and update apps. Some 65,000 apps available to install right from the built in searchable installer, plus whatever else is on the internet. As far as multi media goes, it's hands down. Other than Ubuntu, it's the only distro that I know of that has every video, music and image transcoder and codex installed out of the box. There is simply NO WAY to run netflix on my second favorite distro, OpenSuse. Google "how to install netflix on ubuntu" and you'll find the very first link - and most that follow - how simple it is. The install will automatically install wine and configure it for you. Streaming hulu runs right out of the box.


    Now... Check this out. https://www.virtualbox.org/This app is free from Adobe and allows you to install almost any O/S on top of your existing O/S. Not duel boot. It'll be a virtual system. You can then install apps on the virtual linux to see what it's like and to test the various flavors.


    You're welcome to send a PM anytime and I'll help with what I can. I've been running Linux since 1992.

  2. Started working on the bilge pump. Plans say to see view "3-N" for details. Traced 'em all out, started building it, some of my best work yet! Then I noticed it says something about 3/8" = 1'. ???  Looked at the plans from the deck point of view and... Holy crap! This thing is 3 times taller than the captains skylight. I realised it would take 3 Dallas Cowboy cheer leaders standing on each others shoulders to reach the handle of the pump. Guess I'll have to do some math.\


    Question for any English folks that might be following this: The system I'm using recognises British spellings, not American English. Like neighborhood is the way to spell that in America, but in England it's spelled Neighbourhood. But there is no way to spell math. No matter what, it has that little red squiggly line under it. Same with movie. Do you actually spell out arithmetic instead of math?


    I mean, okay, film is shorter than movie, that I'm down with, but can't y'all get a little lazy and call arithmetic math?

  3. Thanks for the log, dude! I'm getting my butt kicked by my first build, the Niagara. I haven't updated my log in a long time... (busy fun filled summer with the granddaughter) but I'm working on the "stern?" boats now. I think I have more time into those that I do the entire rest of the ship including planking and cannons.


    Wonderful work!

  4. Working on the quarter boats, I use the bottom lift for a template for filing on the 2nd lift...ect. See how close to the edge the outline is on the 3rd lift? I knew that was a bad idea and didn't file nearly that close. Never the less, I have a gap. The only thing I can think of is to fill the inside with wood filler. Otherwise I'll end up with a large hole surrounded by paper. The other boat is the same way.


    The laser cut pcs. are no where near the plans. Even filling with wood filler makes me uneasy. Not at all sure of the results might be.





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