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Everything posted by mhmtyrl

  1. hello every body, after a long long time I continued to work on my coaster. sails are added and furled. for the first time I also worked on figures, which were actually military repairmen to be converted to sailors :-) waiting for suggestions Mehmet
  2. I am planning to use chains for lashing, do you think it will be appropriate? I like chains, they can be weathered more than ropes
  3. hello I have installed previously build bilge pump with some weathering. also metal barrels are placed. I would like to ask your opinion, do you people think that it is better with or without the barrels?
  4. thank you Bob, I was wondering how that rag looked, happy to hear that. all the cargo and the wrapping material are tea bags, they really work well for simulating fabric. Mehmet
  5. thank you Demetri,I strongly agree with that... in small boats you dont have to mass produce things like blocks, deadeyes, cannons etc., this gives you a lot of time to improvise items on the deck as well as detailed weathering :-)
  6. thank you :-) some more cargo is coming....I will also place some partially rusted barrels on the deck
  7. hello I have made the anchor and it's chain, also some wrapped cargo is added.
  8. thank you very much :-) the captain will come out soon :-)
  9. thank you Mark, still trying to improve :-)
  10. Hello Patrick, thank you for nice comments :-) Mehmet
  11. thank you Patrick, that is exactly the scene I want to form :-) a diaroma just as you described would be great idea by the way...(in the future ofcourse :-)
  12. hello every body in the mean time I have worked on the rigging, except for the sails all seems to be finished, some weathering will be applied to metal parts, looks too shiny now :-) not appropriate for my model.... the hook of the winch looks like a fish hook now but I will hang a bulk of cargo on it, hope that appearance will be changed then :-) Mehmet
  13. hello eery body, I have applied some weathering on the deck, as it was too white :-)
  14. thank you all for your nice replies, still trying to improve. Hope it does not look too worn out...as it is supposed to be a still in service boat.
  15. good morning again :-) cabins are re-weathered, previous shiny appearence is now gone :-) also exhaust pipe is added, with lots of rust on it :-) I love pastel powder, really works fine for weathering :-)
  16. good morning :-) it is 7.47 here... I have painted the windows and the door, also a door handle is attached to be painted later. now comes the window glasses
  17. hello everybody I have made progress with cabins and painting, also some moss and sea shell formations are added to bottom of the hull (with salt and masking fluid) some random parts of the paint was removed with double sided tape and brush strokes with a metal brush (to use for scraping rust from metal) mehmet
  18. hello everybody I have made some progress with painting the hull, I used acrylic. I applied double sided tape or masking fluid while weathering. double sided tape application removes some random parts of the paint, when you repaint it with a diluted paint or leave it as it is, then you have a weathered appearence. in the last picture you see my cat "Köfte" (meatball) examining the art piece and making suggestions Mehmet
  19. answer for "????????????" is; Taka, Pereme and 19th. Century Çektirme, coming soon :-)
  20. thank you :-) different ship builds are coming soon :-)
  21. hi everyone :-) deck is painted, rudder is attached :-) some more parts, English words of which I do not know, is also constructed :-) waiting to be painted, weathered, painted and weathered again :-)
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