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Everything posted by mhmtyrl

  1. thank you Bob the sea bed is actually home made play-doh, my wife found a recepie from net (just google it, you may easily find), we added blue acrylic paint during steering. then I added the dough inside the bottle in little pieces and flattened them by tools I have made from skewers we use for barbecue :-) I can attach some photos for them too if needed. then via the tip of the skewers I made waves, not very big ones, but some are big too (so make them randomly in terms of size, but they had better follow a line-check out the wave patterns of a real sea photo) then with a white acrylic I added white to top of the waves this is how I made, I have watched nice you tube videos for this, check it out :-) mehmet
  2. hello every body thisi is my first attempt in building a ship in bottle, the plan belong to souvenirs de marines album. actually this is a top sail schooner, for the sake of simplicity I skipped the square sails and many of the stays etc. Next time I will try to add all the rigging (if possible 🙂 mehmet
  3. hello every body based on the reccomendations I have made some restoration on the boat; a new layer of paint and replacement of the broken plank on the engine cover. more over, I have added some moss and sea creature formations under the water line with masking fluid and salt, later to be painted with different shades of green hope looks more sea worthy :-) mehmet
  4. thank you all for nice comments, I will definitely keep them in mind. I guess next step is to renew some parts of the boat, maybe a new paint on the hull and removal of the excessive rust on metal parts; as I want this model to be still in use (I will add hard head diving suit and manually operated air pump from 1950's, some collected sponges , maybe cooking stuff like pots etc.) note : this over weathering is inevitable in my models unfortunately, I can't keep my self once I start :-) best mehmet
  5. thank yo all :-) by the way, i have a question; do you think that the boat looks too worn out to be further used? I have received some critiques about this, some say that this looks more like an abondened boat, what do u think? mehmet
  6. thank you very much patrick I swear that I am an ordinary model ship builder :-)
  7. hello attached are some sketches for furling fore sails. I have cut the sails like below, and furling is done wih short lengths of sail (At the end the sail should look like curtain when the window glass is widely seeen) each furling should be short in width, this makes a more realistic appearence. after furling is done, the sail is tied with round ropes to the bow sprit, or alternatively it can be wrapped aroud itself. there are very nice models with furled fore sails on the net, every one of them had given me idea about how to do. mehmet
  8. thank you all for nice replies Senior ole salt, wish I could build figures, would be so nice to have some on the deck working :-) by the way, your question about the spirit sail, the ropes attached are tied to the things (do not know the english name, sorry) at two sides of the deck, when these knots are released, I guess there will be enough rope for sail to move either side. actually this kind of attachment may not be historically accurate as I could only find the original plans not including the rigging stuff. In reality those ropes should be fitted with blocks I guess, tightened and loosened more effectively. about the furled sails near the deck, I have to draw some sketches to show how I made them furled, will do that in the evening best Mehmet
  9. dear all, thank you very much for nice replies :-) so motivated now. Lets make your dreams come true Bob, here is the tech I used; after deck planking is finished I applied hair sprey (a single coat, not thick) when it is dried, applied white acrylic, gets dried then I put water drops randomly, wait a little bit till it dissolved the hair spray then I applied hard strokes with the tip of a hard brush randomly again. This removes the white color and the hair spray, brown color of the deck is visible now. If the brown color is seen so much, I applied a second coat of white (but very dissolved), this gives the appearence of re-painted deck or smthing like that. search the you tube for "hair spray technique weathering" there are amazing works from plastic modellers, that helps. if any questions, I would like to help Mehmet
  10. my cargo boat is finished finally looking forward for reccomendations mehmet
  11. this is how it looks like when engine is mounted in the compartment and photos from hull and the deck Mehmet
  12. hello every body I have started my new model, sponge diving boat. this one is the type which has been used as a sponge diving boat for many years in mediterian coast in Greece and Turkey. I have build the hull and the deck, ant the engine- I am planning to make the engine compartment visible. Mehmet
  13. hello every body I have made a lantern for my boat, which is weathered like the other items on the deck Mehmet
  14. thank you all for your nice replies Mehmet
  15. hello everybody this weekend I have made baskets, an undefined wrapped cargo and a buck for decorations my wife did not like the baskets i have made, so she made one :-) (the 6 th. picture) mehmet
  16. hello every body I have made some sacks from tea bags I have previously used, the paper bags are pretty suitable for this job, so is the tea particles inside :-) mehmet
  17. Hi every body thank yo very much for your nice replies, I am pretty motivated. for weathering I first applied different shades of brown to the deck and hull sides, after 2 coats of varnish I applied the actuall paints, after different strenghts of sanding it has a worn out apperance, for inside (the frames etc.) I used pastel sticks; by sanding I obtained them in small particles, appiled with brush. the plans I are on internet, here is the link; http://www.modelismonaval.com/magazine/almejera/planos.html
  18. Hello every body This is a model I have previously build, was first trial for weathering; the weathering was a lot more than I expected, which resulted in an abondened boat 🙂 regards Mehmet.
  19. thank you all for your nice comments applying weathering is such a fun that I reccomend every one to give a try :-) mehmet
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