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Cap'n Rat Fink

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    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to iosto in 18th Century Longboat by iosto - FINISHED - Model Shipways   
    Construction of the base
    I wanted to get an antique effect as models of museums

    The columns copied from those of Chuck,,,,,

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    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to iosto in 18th Century Longboat by iosto - FINISHED - Model Shipways   
    Equipment Brass

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    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to iosto in 18th Century Longboat by iosto - FINISHED - Model Shipways   
    I replaced all the wood beams with boxwood
    I created a brass template to run profiles of benches

  4. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to iosto in 18th Century Longboat by iosto - FINISHED - Model Shipways   
    Although for years not to build a kit ready, I saw this beautiful model in the site I wanted to build it and I bought the kit.
    Given the small size of the building presented some difficulties.

  5. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to Mtoriordan in Dinghy by Mtoriordan - FINISHED - Midwest Products - Small - 1" = 1' (1/12)   
    The second planks went on beautifully after putting a bevel in the upper edge of the bottom planks.
    The final planks were not cut straight as the other planks were. They had what I would describe as a wave cut, the center being much wider than either end. I had attached them and decided a day later to remove them and reposition. The planks were just visually unappealing as they were. Switching sides and flipping the ends around improved the look.
    The photos showing where the third planks looked just off were great, but have gone missing.
    As of now, she is planked and off the strong back.
    Have a little damage to tend to from the pushpins.
  6. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to mtaylor in Licorne 1755 by mtaylor - 3/16" scale - French Frigate - from Hahn plans - Version 2.0 - TERMINATED   
    I've planked the starboard side gun port strip and on both sides added the ebony chain wale and the ebony bow area planking.  There's two areas that are unplanked in the chain wale where the channels will fit.  Things look wet because of the first coat of wipe-on poly.
    Footnote.. I'm more than a bit chuffed as the chain wales (port and starboard) are within 2 scale inches of each other.
    I'll now go around to the other side, and sand the ebony bow planking.  It's there but really rough before the next update.

  7. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to rlindenbergsr@gmail.com in Chesapeake Bay Flattie by rlindenbergsr - Midwest Products - Scale 1:32 - SMALL   
    Chesapeake Bay Flattie by Richard L — Midwest—SMALL Scale 1:32
    This is my second wooded ship/boat kit. My first was Midwest’s Yacht Skiff. I made many mistakes, but learned a lot from it. I hope it will permit me to achieve a better result with this kit.
    Here’s what’s in the kit:

    This photo shows the keel and the bulkheads. Three of the bulkheads have braces glued in place.

    Test fitting the bulkheads to the keel.

    Attaching the first bulkhead to the keel.

    I have cut pieces of aluminum angle stock to use when clamping to keep the bulkhead square with the keel.

  8. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to Mtoriordan in Dinghy by Mtoriordan - FINISHED - Midwest Products - Small - 1" = 1' (1/12)   
    Port garboard attached, after much fitting and sanding.
    The work has been paying off, both planks lined up nicely and the height also matches. Whew.
    Moving along to the second planks.
  9. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to CaptainSteve in Bounty Launch by CaptainSteve - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:16 Scale - SMALL   
    One final picture 'ere and the rest will appear in the Gallery.
    The big bloke in the Hi-Viz vest be me mate, CaptainAndrew ...

    ... 'e does actually smile from time to time, and on this day he was a-mostly smiling. But in this instance, he chose to walk in front of the camera just as his wife were taking some pictures o' his new boat.

  10. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink got a reaction from Salty Sea Dog in HMS Bounty Launch by mattsayers148 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - scale 1:16 - SMALL   
    Just one beautiful model. Congrats Matt!!!
  11. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink got a reaction from CaptainSteve in HMS Bounty Launch by mattsayers148 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - scale 1:16 - SMALL   
    Just one beautiful model. Congrats Matt!!!
  12. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink got a reaction from mattsayers148 in HMS Bounty Launch by mattsayers148 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - scale 1:16 - SMALL   
    Just one beautiful model. Congrats Matt!!!
  13. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink got a reaction from mattsayers148 in Bounty Launch by CaptainSteve - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:16 Scale - SMALL   
    Very beautiful model. Nicely done! Congrats Captain.....
  14. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink got a reaction from JesseLee in Bounty Launch by CaptainSteve - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:16 Scale - SMALL   
    Very beautiful model. Nicely done! Congrats Captain.....
  15. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink got a reaction from GLakie in HMS Bounty Launch by mattsayers148 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - scale 1:16 - SMALL   
    Just one beautiful model. Congrats Matt!!!
  16. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink got a reaction from CaptainSteve in Bounty Launch by CaptainSteve - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:16 Scale - SMALL   
    Very beautiful model. Nicely done! Congrats Captain.....
  17. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to mattsayers148 in HMS Bounty Launch by mattsayers148 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - scale 1:16 - SMALL   
    After some adjustments, it all fits. I had originally thought about unshipping the stern crane and toss it overboard, but decided it should stay. I was able to stand the body up and secure it to the aft mast so that it is visible, yet out of the way. The windlass can stay in place, as it too, takes up little space.The support arms for the crane and the hand spikes for the windlass tied together and easily slid under the raised aft deck.

    With the crane out of the way, the chest, compass, food sacks and tools seem to have plenty of room. The cargo nets were large enough to support almost all of the barrels.

    I decided to only hang four oars off each side. This way the two that are left may appeal to those who can't look with their eyes.

  18. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to mattsayers148 in HMS Bounty Launch by mattsayers148 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - scale 1:16 - SMALL   
    One of the other necessary items is done. I borrowed the idea from CaptainSteve and the entry in the "Kit Bashers Guide" with only minor tweaking. I've been trying to make anything that's metal out of my assorted metal pieces bags.This is only the third item that I've soldered so far and am putting up the CA for metals for good.

    I'm finding it really difficult to say if I'm done. So I'm in the process of arranging everything and then will decide. Stay tuned, pics will come soon.
  19. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink got a reaction from GLakie in Bounty Launch by CaptainSteve - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:16 Scale - SMALL   
    Very beautiful model. Nicely done! Congrats Captain.....
  20. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to Mtoriordan in Dinghy by Mtoriordan - FINISHED - Midwest Products - Small - 1" = 1' (1/12)   
    Gluing supplied blocks onto strong back, no problem, everything lined up nicely. A clamp, sould have run out and purchased a proper clamp. I went with the pushpins as I had them on hand. The small block I pinned into split in half. Had another smal block of equal size, which also split. Finally got hull pinned to a block and did end up with one more pinhole than I wanted.
    I will be using a toothpick to plug those holes and they should fill in nicely.
    I then placed the gar board to check for fit. I had a LOT of sanding ahead of me. The transom hung over the bottom ny a hair, the first frame was short of the edge and frames 2 and 3 hung over.
    I took my time sanding, fitting, more sanding, fitting and glued the plank on. Another lesson learned, pre plan the clamping! Slowly but surely, progress continues.
  21. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to Salty Sea Dog in Dinghy by Mtoriordan - FINISHED - Midwest Products - Small - 1" = 1' (1/12)   
    I wanted to be able to pick up the boat while working on it too! Also, I thought it was wrong to put holes in the bottom of the boat to pin it down. I mounted the spacer blocks to a small board and clamped the boat bottom to it to flex it. A scrap piece of wood protects the boat bottom from the clamp.

    The boat board was propped up on two short blocks to clear the clamp. After one plank was on a 2nd clamp was placed on the planked side and the 1st clamp was removed so that side could be PLANKED.

    Please let me know if I'm posting too much on your build - I don't want to be a hijacker!
    Edit to change "clamped" to "planked".
  22. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to Salty Sea Dog in Dinghy by Mtoriordan - FINISHED - Midwest Products - Small - 1" = 1' (1/12)   
    I started the dinghy as a side build a while back and took a few pics in case I ever decided to start a log. To get a really nice fit of the planks to the frames and the boat bottom, a flexed emory board works really well. It curves the same as the planks will. The board I used is two-sided and the fine grit side left nice surfaces. Sorry for the rotated pic- it must be an iPhone thing.

  23. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to CaptainSteve in Bounty Launch by CaptainSteve - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:16 Scale - SMALL   
    And so, wi’ his sails now lashed using Chuck’s ropes, and the newly installed rigging works, it doest thus becometh necessary to re-apply some o’ the bird poopin’s.
    “I shall also be a-touchin’-up me parrels with a little dry-brushin’,” he were to mention, “They just be too shiny fer me liking.”
    Now, so very, very close to bein’ done wi’ his Launch, CaptainSteve didst haveth this to say …
    “But a-forehand, there be the matter o’ a little surprise I didst promise ye”, he were to mention.
    For Our Hero were to be lookin’ at his boat just the other day, and were to be somewhat displeased wi’ the fall o’ the sail cloth.
    “Thusly, I didst settle upon-eth an idea,” he stated, somewhat ominously. “This ‘ere test upon a spare piece o’ raw sail-cloth may giveth you some idea o’ what I be thinkin’.”

    "I were to liberally paint some Fray-Check onto the test-piece, and thereupon didst tie-eth it to me pedestal fan," he said.
    Thence, Our Hero did turn the fan on, and head out the door to his local for a pint and a counter lunch. Upon his return, the test-piece were to be lookin' like this ...

    For, verily, Our Hero hath decided that he doth prefer the look o’ billowing sails …

    “And, so,” he were to close, “here be me boat as she doth stand currently.”


  24. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to CaptainSteve in Bounty Launch by CaptainSteve - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:16 Scale - SMALL   
    Well, as mentioned, Our Hero didst most verily experience-eth a “light-bulb moment” upon reading Mark’s message …
    “Ne’er in a million years,” he were to mumble ‘neath his breath, “wouldst I a-thought o’ doublin’-up me ropes to the belaying pins.”
    Wi’ new-fired vigour, and armed with the new information, Our Hero didst attack-eth his rigging a-new.
    “I didst only have to be moving four o’ me ropes from their original positions …”
    But, a-fore commencing, CaptainSteve didst make-eth up a batch of rope loops to hang from his belaying pins.
    “I be not sitting in me boat and tying these up,” he explained. “So instead, I didst form a jig in order that they be a-lookin’ tidy an’ uniform in they appearance.”


    In truth, these not be the actual rope loops that Our Hero were to finally use.
    “These be the first batch,” he didst go on. “I be a-binning them, as they were to prove too small in stature.”
    Verily, a loop length o’ 3cm didst prove-eth to be most pleasing.
    After a-fixin’ his ropes, thence cutting them out, re-doing and re-fittin’ them, CaptainSteve didst take a few close-ups.
    “These be for the Horde,” he spouted. “For I doth know-eth that you lot doest thrive upon pictures.”

    Finally !!! A photo where ye can be seeing me oar-grooves !!

    Oh yeah, I forgotteth to mention that I didst add-eth me anchor ...

  25. Like
    Cap'n Rat Fink reacted to CaptainSteve in Bounty Launch by CaptainSteve - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:16 Scale - SMALL   
    Thank ye, Crackers,
    However, as you may notice in the following pictures, there be plenty o' buckets to choose from.

    Now, here be a brace o' (in-progress) poor-quality photographs ...

    "A brace," CaptainSteve were to add-eth most helpfully, "by way o' definition, wouldst be two !!"

    Next up, Our Hero shall be dealing wi' matters o' weaponry (cutlasses and spears), followed by various fruits and nut-foods.
    "I be a-hopin'," CaptainSteve were to close, "to launch me Launch this coming weekend !!"
    More pics be a-pending ...
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