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Everything posted by PSF

  1. learning to weld the Silver solder brass Composition: copper shavings, silver shavings, boric acid the first test failed
  2. I also think that this forum is to split poblema making models of ships
  3. I found the best option can be seen in the photos, I hope
  4. Test Pattern lifting eyes on skylights. Not carefully done, but this is the first test. I need to scale
  5. technology, manufacturing and installation of treenail placed on http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/740-methods-for-making-treenails/page-8 # entry52023
  6. brass treenail apparatus for setting a brass treenail apparatus for setting a brass treenail
  7. My method of making treenail pushpin to be installed in the machine chuck installation of the workpiece
  8. For every tool needed hands and brains and minds Having seen what the result will be
  9. May 9, we have a holiday. Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 http://art-assorty.ru/591-fotografii-velikoy-otechestvennoy-voyny.html
  10. To do imitation of buttons of the case of the ship I think the pictures you can see how this is achieved
  11. extension Imitation of tacks by a nielloed hornbeam Imitation of tacks a brass wire Imitation of tacks a brass wire
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