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Landlubber Mike

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Posts posted by Landlubber Mike

  1. Thanks guys!  I ended up getting a lightly used Sherline 5000 off of eBay today for a pretty low amount.  Looking at videos and seeing what people are doing with it on here, even if I stink at it, I know that for sure I'll have a lot of fun playing with it.


    Jim, thanks for the tip on the book.  I'll have to find myself a copy :)

  2. Ian, AVS and Harlequin, thanks very much for your thoughts :)


    Ian, thanks for the links.  The Unicorn does seem like it has the potential to make for a nice model.  We'll see how well I end up doing with it.  Your log is a real inspiration, and hopefully I can pull something off half as nice as yours.

  3. Well, looks like I won an eBay auction for the Corel Unicorn - that kit looks like a nice one, so hopefully the fittings are ok.  I had put in a low ball bid on eBay, and managed to come away with it for a relatively low amount.


    Thanks to everyone who responded.  I also have the Amati Pegasus on the shelf at the moment, but I think I'll start with the Unicorn as I want to practice kit bashing and using specialty woods.  I'll be sure to start a build log once my Badger is finished (which, I'm close to the finish line).


    Thanks again!

  4. For ship building, does it matter whether one goes with the 5000 series or the 2000 series?  It seems like the 5000 should do quite nicely, but figured I'd check with the experts here.


    Also, does it matter whether you go with the English or the metric model?  I don't intend - at least right now :) -  to need the digital read out or the CNC capability (even though both look pretty darn cool).


    Not sure I will ever need the full capabilities of the mill, but I tend to try to buy better quality machines and go from there.  I bought the drill press for my dremel which in my opinion is not that great, so I figure going to a mill would help.



  5. Just out of curiosity, what is the quality of Corel kits - materials, plans, instructions?  I might have the opportunity to buy some kits at a relative discount to retail, and thought a few of the ships looked like interesting builds.  I'm looking to semi-scratch/replace kit wood with better wood, so I'm less concerned with the quality of the kit supplied wood, but more interested in the fittings.



  6. Thanks very much Frank :)  Everyone is good and healthy here, albeit sleep deprived.  


    I'm hoping to get my Badger done by the end of the year so that I can start on my Pegasus.  My standing rigging is about done, and I'm up to the furled sails part now.  Your Supply pictures are going to come in really handy, just hope mine come out half as nice as yours. :)

  7. Hey Frank, Badger has been on hold the past month or so while I have been getting things ready around here for the girls to arrive.  My wife has been on bedrest the past couple of months, so I've had little time to work on the ship.  She's due any day now, but I have a feeling that the end of 2013 will be when I finally finish her.  


    Hope all is well my friend :)

  8. Looks great Gunslinger, nice job.  I highly recommend the Amati Keel Klamper for the initial stages of the build.  Once planked, I moved to using the kit's stand.  Once I finished with most of the hull and deck items, I set the hull on its permanent display base.  Looking back, it might have been easier to work on the deck items with the hull on its permanent display base, but the kit stand was fine.


    I bought some inexpensive felt from a hobby store that I glued onto the stand so as to not scuff my model's hull when using the stand.  

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