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Landlubber Mike

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Posts posted by Landlubber Mike

  1. The Caldercraft Badger is my first kit as well, and it's been a fun and challenging kit to work on with plenty of opportunities for adding unique touches.  The link to my log is in my signature - unfortunately, I don't have the time to recreate the 20+ pages from my original log, but am happy to answer any questions.  I'm just about done with the standing rigging, and from there will move to adding furled sails to the yards and the running rigging.


    I ended up using tung oil for most of the natural walnut areas, and used the Caldercraft Admiralty paints and stains for the rest.  Painting is nice because it helps erase mistakes :)  I'm less of a fan of it, and will try to avoid using paint to the extent possible on my next build (instead, will use specialty woods and stains).  The black and red ochre look fine to me, but I think the "dull" white paint is a bit too garish for my tastes.


    Good luck!

  2. A big shame about losing all the build logs.  Can't do much but start a new log and help rebuild the community :)  This new website seems to have lots of cool features though.  


    I have been working on my Badger, my first wooden ship model, since November 2008.  It's been a lot of off and on time, with the birth of my daughter, various honey-dos from the Admiral and other hobbies.  I'm on the home stretch, with the standing rigging almost completed.  Next up will be adding furled sails to the yards, and finish up with the running rigging.


    Thanks for reading!   :dancetl6:

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