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Everything posted by cobra1951

  1. Amazing how adding a few more strips of planking in the form of a whale gives a hull a whole new look and feel. And it will look better again once it's had a final tidy and a coat of paint or two. Well done mate
  2. Deck looks fine to me mate even in the colour it is in the picture. Don't forget once you get more fittings etc and cannons on the deck to break it up and the bulwarks in and painted, it will look even better, because while it is bare your eye is drawn to the colour rather than anything else
  3. Great job there Tim. Go look up Danish oil it puts a great finish to the wood and also gives protection. I know Rusting do it not sure about anybody else
  4. Great job Tim, that is exactly the way i was going to do it
  5. I've been looking for my model ever since you came round my house, now i know what happened to it Looking good mate
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